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UEL TraD: Resources. Here we will add the resources as we make them available.

UEL TraD: Resources

Only those resources which are underlined have links to the resource. Note that the supportDM online courses are developed using Xerte; we have zipped these modules in SCORM 2004 format for deploying in VLEs such as Moodle. You can also preview modules by following the links. supportDM course A blended learning course for those in (or expecting to be in) RDM support roles. Module 1 About research data management supportDM Module 1 Xerte modules in SCORM 2004 formatYou can view the module in four parts here, here, here and heresupportDM Module 1 supporting materials - presentation, exercise, task, notes on using the material Module 2 Guidance and support for researchers supportDM Module 2 Xerte modules in SCORM 2004 formatYou can view the module here supportDM Module 2 supporting materials - presentation, exercise, task, notes on using the material Module 3 Data management planning‌ Module 4 What data to keep, and why.

RDMRose Learning Materials. On this page: The first session introduces the RDMRose module, discusses RDM basics, and explores the role of LIS professionals in RDM, including examples of how academic libraries have started to respond to the research data management challenge.

RDMRose Learning Materials

The session is concluded by an introduction to reflection and reflective writing. Resources: Session 1.1: Introduction to the RDMRose module Session 1.2: RDM basics PowerPoint slides session 1.2: RDM basicsActivity sheet 1.2.1: How do you see RDM? Session 1.3: The LIS role in RDM PowerPoint slides session 1.3: The LIS role in RDMActivity sheet 1.3.1: Examining potential rolesActivity sheet 1.3.2 : Where does RDM fit into your role? Session 1.4: Reflection and reflective writing PowerPoint slides session 1.4: Reflection and reflective writingActivity sheet 1.4.1: A recent experience with researchActivity sheet 1.4.3: Reflecting The second session focuses on the nature of research, and the place of data in the research cycle. DIY Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians.

Introduction During autumn and winter 2012-13, data librarians at the University of Edinburgh (Robin Rice and Anne Donnelly) led a pilot course for four University academic service librarians on Research Data Management (RDM) covering five topics involving reading assigments from the MANTRA course, reflective writing, and 2-hour face-to-face training sessions, including group exercises from the UK Data Archive (UKDA).

DIY Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians

The course was deemed successful by participants and Information Services managers, and was delivered to all the University's academic service librarians. Here we share our training for small groups of librarians anywhere who wish to gain confidence and understanding of research data management. Research Data MANTRA course.


Bigdata. Videos. Events. News. Repositories. Biodata. Nature. Blogs. Figshare. Open Data. Données de la recherche. Specialized. General.