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Rehost. Rehost Image. The given values for Download and Upload are the maximum you could load if you use just a single service. For example: Let's say you buy the 60.000 credits package: 60.000 CreditsDownload up to 60 GBUpload up to 420 GBPremium up to 60 daysPrice: 10 Euro After this you convert your credits into premium traffic in the 'Premium' section.

If you would just use the Download service you could download 60 GB within 60 days and if you would only use the Upload service you could transfer up to 420 GB within those 60 days. If you use both services your premium traffic splits up. The reason why your 'premium' status is valid for up to 60 days is simple: If you use all your premium traffic within 10 days then you have no premium traffic left. Webdav firefox - Startpage Web Search - Framasoft Framafox. Every time you hotlink, God kills a kitten. RapidWeaver FAQ - Publishing, FTP, Hosting - Framasoft Framafox. Note that this is not a way to make a backup of your website. RapidWeaver can’t import those published html files. To make a backup have a look at the appropriate FAQ. Using only RapidWeaver’s integrated FTP is not enough. One reason why you need another FTP application is that RapidWeaver’s integrated FTP is upload-only. First thing you need to do is choose an FTP client to use, download and install it.

First thing I have to do when I launch the application for the first time is configure it to allow it to access the server and retrieve/send data. I click on Open Connection and get a dialog window like this one: In the FAQ’s and/or Support section at my hosting I am told what I have to insert in those fieldsWhat the server is, what the username is to access and of course my password.I check the Add to Keychain box (so I don’t have to insert the data each time) and click Connect. It now is ready to connect to my server and retrieves the data from it. Next time you use Cyberduck simply go to. Dijjer - Peer-to-peer file distribution.

Due to other commitments, Dijjer's creator and primary developer Ian Clarke is no-longer able to maintain Dijjer. I'm looking for a good dedicated Java developer with the patience to become familiar with Dijjer's code-base, and revive the project. I will provide all the help I can in this endeavor. If interested, please email me at ian DOT clarke AT gmail DOT com. You should also take a look at the Development page to learn more about how Dijjer works. Dijjer is free P2P software that dramatically reduces the bandwidth needed to host large files Bandwidth is a problem for anyone hosting big files. As soon as your music, mp3 blog, or movie gets too popular, either your site goes down or you get hit with a huge bandwidth bill. Using Dijjer on Your Website is So Simple You don't need to install anything. Normal link: link: What is different about Dijjer? Have a question? Dijjer - Divers. ATTENTION : suite à l’abandon du projet par son créateur, le nom de domaine de dijjer a été racheté par un site pornographique.

Merci de nous tenir au courant si un site officiel renait. Nous pointons vers le site du projet. Imaginons qu’après des mois de labeur acharné, vous venez de terminer votre premier album de musique libre (sous Licence Art Libre, ou Creative Commons de préférence by-sa). Lundi, Jour 0 : Tout fier de vous, vous proposez son écoute au format .ogg sur votre site, ainsi que le téléchargement d’une archive au format 7zip pesant une centaine de mégaoctets (Mo).Mardi, Jour 1 : vous envoyez un mail à votre famille, vos amis, votre ancien prof de musique pour qui vous avez dit et répété "vous n’arriverez jamais à rien", en les prévenant que votre nouvelle oeuvre est en ligne.Mercredi, Jour 2 : votre vieux copain Alfred étrenne votre compteur de téléchargement : "Album téléchargé 00001 fois" !

« Que s’est-il passé ? « Mais j’allais enfin être une Star ! Mais non. Dijjer. Etherpad tutorial in English. From We Re-Build - a text editor on internets With you can write collaboratory documents. You do not need a login, just surf to and click on New Pad . Then a blank page appears, and you can simply start writing. If you want to undo something you have just done, for example deleted a paragraph, just use . On the top of the page you see "Share this URL". In order to see who is who, you may choose colours in the field on your right hand side. Formatting One thing that is different in Etherpad compared with for example Notepad in Windows is that it is possible to underline text. To save your work Easiest way to save your text is probably to do a (Copy-Paste) to where you want to save it.

There are several different export options under the heading . Revisions Under the heading you'll find the option to save the ongoing editing. Link Google promises to open Etherpad source code Etherpadguide EtherPad Open Source Release. Main Page - We Re-Build. Ftpcopy. Wget for Windows. HardKor | Des points de vue et des infos HardKor. Werebuild.