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In a Bold Move Towards Accountability, Road Casualty Data Published Online in UK. #opendata. New maps give Europeans close-up picture of air pollution from diffuse sources. New maps give Europeans close-up picture of air pollution from diffuse sources New online maps published by the European Commission and the European Environment Agency, in close cooperation with the Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES) of the Joint Research Centre, allow citizens to pinpoint the main diffuse sources of air pollution, such as transport and aviation. The new set of 32 maps allows Europeans to see on a scale of 5 km by 5 km where pollutants are released.

They include details of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia (NH3) and particulate matter (PM10). It complements existing data on emissions from individual industrial plants from the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR). Diffuse sources of pollution are widespread and/or concentrated in highly populated areas.

Background. Information in the E-PRTR is updated in May each year. Elsevier Overheidsinformatie. Fate of Revealed; US Gov Almost Completely Drops the Ball. Train stations in Britain listed and mapped: find out how busy each one is | News. Train stations: how busy is yours? Victoria Station in 1927. Click image to embiggen. Photograph: Science & Society Picture Librar/SSPL via Getty Images.

Where are the UK's busiest rail stations? And how many people use them? We bring you one of the best datasets available about each of the train stations we use. From the Office of Rail Regulation, this shows exactly how many people use every railway station in the UK. The figures are based on ticket sales and they show entries (when someone gets on a train) and exits (when they get off). So, using this dataset, you can see that Waterloo is Britain's busiest rail station with 94,045,510 entries and exits made by passengers - an increase of 3% (3 million more passenger entries and exits) compared with 2010-2011.

But if you look at interchanges, ie, the stations where people change trains, then Clapham Junction is way in the lead with nearly 22m. Fullscreen version The dataset will also tell you Britain's least popular stations. Data summary. Can emerging democracies skip Gov 1.0 and start with electronic Opengov? In looking at the middle east, its still an open question as to whether the countries engaged in overthrowing their decades old dictators can begin to move toward nascent emerging democracies. But if they do, we know the process of becoming a stable, democratic society is a long-term exercise. But is there a corallary between how many countries skipped the landline copper wire network to jump right to cell phones with how governmental institutions can be set up?

The average age of most middle eastern countries is well below 30 - perhaps the right democratic model for them starts off with citizens interacting with their government via cell phones. Perhaps they should bake in the basics that we discuss here about open government just because it would be so hard and timeconsuming to set up old institutional structures. I ask this as an open question and have yet to form good ideas about this. Toxic 100 Air Polluters: The Companies Ruining Our Nation's Air - Environment. It's no news flash that big corporations pollute. But do you ever wonder which are the worst offenders? University of Massachusetts' Political Economy Research Institute has a tool to clue you in.

Released last year, the Toxic 100 Air Polluters index identifies the companies that our polluting our country's air. The index is based on data of air released of hundreds of chemicals from industrial facilities and sites throughout the country. The rankings don't rely solely on the quantity of the releases, but also factor in the toxicity of the chemicals and "transport factors such as prevailing winds and height of smokestacks, and the number of people exposed. " Professor James Boyce, co-director of PERI's Corporate Toxics Information Project, explained: We assess not just how many pounds of pollutants are released, but which are the most toxic and how many people are at risk. The 10 worst offenders? Big thanks to Michael Cote for the tip. Transparency International on oil companies and corruption: who is the most open? | News. Transparency International reports on corruption policies of oil companies.

The Deepwater Horizon oil rig burning in the Gulf of Mexico. Photograph: AP Are the world's oil companies fighting corruption - or helping perpetuate it? The report out today by Transparency International and Revenue Watch examines the polices of 44 companies responsible for 60% of the world's oil production. With the focus on the collapse of oil-rich Libya now, the behaviour of these big companies behind the scenes in countries around the world becomes even more important. Transparency International is best-known for its annual examination of corruption around the world.

Fullscreen version for more options What did it find about the oil companies? The report looked at three key indicators: • Do oil companies have anti-corruption programmes and publicise them? • Are oil companies open about who they do deals with and how they're organised? • How open are oil companies about their international dealings? Data summary. Provincies hebben baat bij open data. GroenLinks Tweede Kamerlid Arjan El Fassed vindt dat provincies niet kunnen achterblijven met het openstellen van overheidsgegevens.

Dit voorjaar komt de rijksoverheid met een visie op open data. Maar daar hoeft niet op gewacht te worden. Nu al vinden op gemeentelijk niveau veel initiatieven op dit gebied plaats. El Fassed: “Er is enorme behoefte aan het hergebruiken van overheidsgegevens. Het openstellen van deze gegevens is een goede manier om deze informatie aan de inwoners van de provincies te geven. Provincies kunnen nu niet achterblijven.” Nederland loopt nu nog achter in vergelijking met landen als het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland. In grote steden als Amsterdam, Utrecht en Eindhoven werken verschillende gemeentelijke organisaties steeds vaker samen met onderwijsinstellingen en de innovatieve industrie. “Daarom is het van belang dat verschillende overheden informatie integraal, eenduidig en breed aanbieden”, zegt El Fassed.

Your Neighborhood Data Visualized: Startup Builds Census Map Block by Block. The 2010 US Census has begun publishing its detailed demographic data state by state and the race now begins to see which data geeks can do the coolest things with the information. Remember when large-scale social data was only collected once a decade? When terms like "social graph" and "interest graph" didn't even exist? It turns out that old fashioned data still has a lot to teach us. One company has already launched its first block-by-block, state-wide data visualization site for New Jersey census data. Want to see hyper-localization and personalization in action? Check out this map from MoonShadow Mobile. MoonShadow Mobile specializes in working with large datasets and making them easy to navigate around in quickly. MoonShadow makes its living selling similar software to public agencies and others interested in drawing redistricting lines or in municipal planning.

Bring on the census visualizations, folks. @arjanelfassed. Re.Public. Zonder open data mist Nederland internationaal de boot. Twaalf aanbevelingen voor een Open Overheid. De lange weg naar open politieke data. Dit stuk verschijnt ook op het discussieplatform over Open Politiek op Lang, lang geleden dook ik vanaf mijn huis in het parlementaire documentatiesysteem van de Tweede Kamer. Waarom? Omdat het kon. Het direct volgen van wat er in de Tweede Kamer gebeurde was tot de komst van internet alleen voorbehouden aan journalisten, politici, lobbyisten en mensen met heel veel tijd over. Het bleek al snel dat de realiteit hardnekkiger was. Indertijd leek het me vooral een zaak van onbegrip aan de kant van de Tweede Kamer dat er niet meer gedaan werd aan het goed open stellen van alle gegevens voor alle betrokken burgers. Wat is ervoor nodig om de mensen onder de kaasstolp prioriteit te laten geven aan iets wat in een democratie in de 21st eeuw vanzelfsprekend zou moeten zijn?

Databloggen met Sargasso. De wereld draait op data. Nog nooit werd er zoveel data geproduceerd als nu: iedere twee dagen net zoveel als zo’n beetje de hele twee millennia ervoor. De kunst is om eerst informatie en dan kennis uit die data te halen. Bedrijven schrapen internet af en spitten hun klantbestanden door om nieuwe verkoopkansen te vinden en processen te stroomlijnen. Overheden gebruiken enorme publieke (en steeds vaker private) databanken om beleid van een feitelijke basis te voorzien. Ook de journalistiek – en in het verlengde daarvan de blogosfeer – ontdekt langzaamaan de kracht van data, zoals de onthullingen van WikiLeaks duidelijk maken . In grote gegevensbestanden zitten verhalen verborgen. Daarnaast worden de technieken om die gevonden informatie aantrekkelijk te presenteren steeds laagdrempeliger. Sargasso wil niet achterblijven en heeft het initiatief genomen tot het starten van het Dutch Open Data Lab , dat vandaag officieel de lucht in gaat.

Open Up Overheid! Vandaag een gastbijdrage van Noor Huijboom en Bas Kotterink , werkzaam bij TNO. De bijdrage stond eerder in NRC Handelsblad. In zijn recente boek Je hebt het niet van mij, maar… pleit Joris Luyendijk voor meer openheid over contacten tussen lobbyisten en ambtenaren. Zelf onthulde hij deze week dat minister Hillen (Defensie, CDA) bij zijn aantreden had verzwegen dat hij tot voor kort betaald advies gaf aan een sigarettenfabrikant. Wij zijn het eens met Luyendijks oproep. Regeringen noemen diverse motieven voor hun beleid van openheid. Kritiek is er ook. Ook kleven er risico’s aan het publiceren van overheidsdata. Toch lijken de voordelen sterker. Meedoen in de openheidbeweging betekent wel inspanning voor Nederland. ICT , Open data , overheidsinformatie , Transparantie Een goede trend lijkt me, al moet de komende jaren nog blijken of de voordelen opwegen tegen de vereiste inspanning.

@tom, daar kan data dus ook weer bij helpen. Een TomTom voor treinreizigers. Het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat laat een nationale databank voor OV-gegevens bouwen. Volgens schattingen van het ministerie zelf kost dat tussen de 5 en de 8 miljoen euro. Maar het kan een stuk goedkoper als er met bestaande databases en volgens het open dataprincipe wordt gewerkt.

Het klinkt goed, een databank met openbaar vervoergegevens, waarin niet alleen statische haltetijden beschikbaar zijn, maar ook actuele gegevens over bijvoorbeeld vertragingen. Het ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat wil zo’n databank laten bouwen: de Nationale Databank OV-gegevens (NDOV). Koppelen Verkeer en Waterstaat werkt daarnaast ook aan een Nationale Databank Wegverkeersgegevens (NDW) en wil op termijn beide databanken koppelen, zodat informatie over files en treinvertragingen in één toepassing geïntegreerd kunnen worden. Het bouwen van de databank zal tussen de 5 en 8 miljoen euro gaan kosten, de exploitatie naar verwachting 1 tot 2 miljoen per jaar. Open-OV Afbreuk Marieke Vos. World Bank Opens More Datasets, Challenges Developers to Build Apps. As part of its 2010 Annual Meeting, to be held October 7 and 8, the World Bank is making several announcements that point to the organization's support in open data and what it calls an "open development agenda.

" The World Bank is increasing the number of datasets it makes available. And it is also announcing its first worldwide app-building challenge Apps for Development. The challenge is designed to crowdsource solutions for the World Bank's 8 Millennium Development Goals - goals like eradicating poverty and hunger and achieving universal primary education. The challenge is calling for apps to be built using the World Bank Data Catalog, in a move that hopes that by opening access to this data, that developers, researchers, and local governments and organizations will be able to better tackle social, economic, and environmental problems. Even beyond the this challenge, World Bank wants to build an ecosystem of developers. Government energy usage goes online in real time | Duncan Clark | Environment. It was one of the proudest moments yet for the 10:10 climate campaign to cut carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

Within days of coming to office, David Cameron committed the entire central government estate to a 10% reduction in emissions within a year. As part of that pledge, Cameron said that all departments would be installing live energy meters, enabling staff and the public alike to easily track their progress. Five months later, these meters are now in place (not bad going for a public-sector technology project) and the government's data website has started publishing a league table of the various departments' progress, allowing everyone to see which are doing best and worst in their quest to save energy.

The league table draws on data from GovSpark, a website that aggregates the various departmental energy feeds and ranks them according to the month-to-month increase or decrease. 5 Tools for Online Journalism, Exploration and Visualization - ReadWriteCloud. In our last post on data journalism, we ran across a number of tools that would be helpful for anyone who is interested in how to make sense of data. The tools represent a renaissance in how we make sense of our information culture. They provide context and meaning to the often baffling world of big data.

This is a snapshot of what is available. We are relying on the work done by Paul Bradshaw, whose blog is an excellent source about the new world of data journalism. Factual Factual provides simple APIs for building Web and mobile apps. How To Create a Table With Factual on Howcast Socrata Socrata is one of a handful of companies and organizations that are shaping the open data movement in government.

Google Fusion Tables Google Fusion Tables is a Google Labs project. Yahoo! Yahoo! OpenHeatMap OpenHeatMap is another example of how to turn data into maps. These are five tools that can be used for online journalism or any online research project. The Guardian on How To Be a Data Journalist - ReadWriteCloud. The Guardian has a great story today about how to be a data journalist. It's a timely post. The forces that drive online law enforcement are increasing.

It's affecting the world of cloud computing and the open Web. The FBI is telling us that they need access to encrypted messages. They want peer-to-peer technology to be outlawed. It's centralization that they desire, not the chaos of an increasingly fragmented world. But who is responsible for watching the FBI? It's really all of us. The counterforce is the increasing amount of data available and our ability to access it. The Guardian is a leader in showing people how to do data journalism. Wikileaks: Afghanistan The Guardian put its data journalism techniques to work with the Wikileaks data they received. They built a simple database to search for keywords or events. . • Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks over time • Where they happened by region • Casualties data recorded in the database This was the result: Finding the data. Food crisis: what's happened to the price of rice, wheat and maize? Spreadsheet and visualisation | Environment. De mythe van teveel regelmakers.

Carbon emissions in every local authority in the UK. See what they are where you live | Environment. Setting Data Free With Gapminder. 5 Open Data Apps That Are Improving Our Cities. Suggesties voor (En wat je met Open Data kan) - Politie 2.0. "Knowledge is a mashup" Ton's Interdependent Thoughts: Open Government Data : Do The Least Possible. UK first: Manchester catches the Open Data bus. Alexander Klöpping.

Wanneer kunnen we nu eens aan de gang met overheidsdata? – Hack de Overheid! » Hoe wil jij je open data catalogus? Hackers, Your Country Needs You. Public sector information 'worth billions' | Technology. Grenzeloze Transparantie voor, draft DREI - Alexander Klopping. Openheid vragen moet – Bigwobber: wie vraagt, krijgt meer. En nu op naar de Leefbaarometer 2.0 - Ambtenaar 2.0 netwerk. The meaning of open. Burgerlijk Nieuwjaarsboodschapje - Ambtenaar 2.0 netwerk. Leefbaarometer. Aansluiting over twee kloven. Kan dat? - Ambtenaar 2.0 netwerk. Re.Public Verdonk: beleidsambtenaar mag geen partijlid zijn. It's All Semantics: Open Data, Linked Data & The Semantic Web. Transparantie als de nieuwe objectiviteit. Krispy’s Blog vol gevraagde en ongevraagde meningen » Frismakers.

Gemeente mag geen geld vragen voor beroep Wob | Hack de Overheid! Op 29 mei samen de overheid hacken. Data: Information is power | Media. Krispijnbeek - RT @TheRoel: The Guardian: Data - I. Nieuwsbericht. Google Earth vs. Looters.