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Reincarnation, past lives, pre-existing soul, teachings of Jesus

15-12-03 March 12 - Day of Unity - ALL FOR ONE / ONE FOR ALL. Meher Baba: The Truth Of The Unity Of All Life. Armstrongism. Armstrongism is a term, usually considered derisive, used to refer to the teachings and doctrines of Herbert W.


Armstrong while leader of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG),[1][2] and is professed by him and his followers to be the restored true Gospel of the Bible. Armstrong said they were revealed to him by God during his study of the Bible.[3][4] The term Armstrongite is sometimes used to refer to those that follow Armstrong's teachings. Armstrongism and Armstrongite are generally considered derogatory by those to whom it is applied,[5] who prefer to be known as members of the Church of God (COG).

Armstrong taught that most of the basic doctrines and teachings of Mainstream Christianity were based on traditions, including absorbed pagan concepts and rituals (i.e. religious syncretism), rather than the Judeo-Christian Bible. His teachings have consequently been the source of much controversy. Doctrinal differences[edit] God Family[edit] Church authority[edit] British Israelism[edit] by the Philadelphia Church of God. Sherwin Nuland on electroshock therapy. Zeitgeist 2010. Meditation - Iching. Buddhism and homosexuality.

Buddhism and homosexuality Menu Beliefs about homomosexuality among the Buddhist traditions Sponsored link.

Buddhism and homosexuality

"LGBT" refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender persons and transsexuals. Overview: People's beliefs towards LGBT persons are greatly influenced by many factors. Culture often trumps religion. Many Episcopal/Anglican/Church of England members in the U.S., Canadian, and UK provinces feel that the Communion is in a state of great sin because it does not grant equal rights to lesbians, gays bisexuals, transgender persons and transsexuals including recognition of their loving, committed relationships.

Here is a single religious tradition, using the same Bible as their holy book, sharing the same rituals, and sharing a common history that has extended over many centuries. Within Christianity, there is no consensus on the ethics of homosexual behavior, only: It appears that the same dynamic appears in Buddhism, and in many other religions. Topics covered in this section concerning LGBTs: The World Community for Christian Meditation. Meditation is a universal wisdom found at the heart of all religious traditions.

The World Community for Christian Meditation

So it naturally leads into the common ground we all share and meet in. When we are in touch with this source of contemplative unity dialogue will be more productive of friendship and trust. Merely conceptual or merely activist dialogue runs the risk of remaining superficial, easily undermined and unsustainable. The Community has been involved in inter-religious dialogue since its beginning. An early and still influential milestone in this work was the Good Heart Seminar, the 1994 John Main Seminar led by the Dalai Lama.

During these days of meditation and dialogue he commented on the gospels from the Buddhist perspective. Arguably the best book on interreligious dialogue published to date. The Seminar led to a further dialogue project jointly led by the Dalai Lama and Fr Laurence called The Way of Peace. At the beginning of 2013, Fr. Links: Eastern Stars: I Ching Oracle.