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#OccupyWallStreet / ARTISTS

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EUROPE. US. Big Bang Verbal. YouTube. Occupy Ears. _ltsw0aRzGh1qjkzz8o1_1280.jpg (Image JPEG, 662x1024 pixels) Occupy LEGO Land, A Tiny Toy Protest Inside of Occupy Wall Street. New-banksy-monopoly-sculpture-for-occupy-london from - StumbleUpon. Though we hadn't heard from elusive street artist Banksy in a little while, it should come as no surprise that his latest piece would be for the "Occupy" movement.

new-banksy-monopoly-sculpture-for-occupy-london from - StumbleUpon

Popping up at St. Paul’s Cathedral for Occupy London, this brand new sculpture features a panhandling Rich “Uncle” Pennybags on a make-believe Monopoly board. According to Demotix, it was created "as a show of support for their protest against corporate greed and corruption. " Did anyone notice the graffiti and TOX shoutout on the red hotel? Via [TheWorldBestEver], [TheDailyWhat], [ArrestedMotion] First photo via [Jason Reeve], Rest via [Demotix]

The Dark Knight Rises : La production et le mouvement Occupons Wall Street. Au début du mois dernier, on annonçait que Christopher Nolan et son équipe envisageaient tourner quelques scènes à Occupons Wall Street (Occupy Wall Street en vo) au cours du tournage à New York.

The Dark Knight Rises : La production et le mouvement Occupons Wall Street

Le plan n’avait pas été confirmé à l’époque, et la logistique du tournage était restée un mystère. Matthew Modine, qui incarne Nixon dans le troisième et dernier volet de la trilogie Nolan, a révélé qu’ils avaient effectivement considéré un tel tournage, mais ont décidé finalement que ce ne serait pas une bonne idée. Le raid de la police (qui a délogé les manifestants dans la nuit du 14 au 15 novembre) rend ça impossible mais l’acteur confie qu’ils étaient très proches de la décision.

Banaliser le mouvement était impensable. Matthew s’est ainsi confié à IndieWire : Fragmentdetags. Banksy presents new artwork to Occupy London Movement. Disclaimer Please note: the text contained in "Unconfirmed Banksy presents new artwork to Occupy London Movement" has not been corrected, edited or verified by Demotix and is the raw text submitted by the photojournalist.

Banksy presents new artwork to Occupy London Movement

All views and opinions expressed are that of the independent photojournalist and do not represent the views of Demotix Ltd. These details have been included in order to provide as much information as possible to the Media buyer. Demotix reserves the right to pursue unauthorised users of this content. If you violate our intellectual property you may be liable for: actual damages, loss of income, and profits you derive from the use of this image or clip, and, where appropriate, the costs of collection and/or statutory damages. Toutes les vidéos de le journal de personne (lejournaldepersonne) Occupy Columbus Circle with Seeger & Friends October 21, 2011. Occupy The Internet. Occupy The Internet Phase 2. Occupy the internet - exhibition.

BANKSY'S MONOPOLY AT SAINT PAUL'S CATHEDRAL FOR THE OCCUPY LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Banksy installe un Monopoly géant pour soutenir Occupy London - une vidéo Actu et Politique. 19 Indignés et motivés - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Banksy. The Antics Roadshow. Parental Control HistoryCloseSign in to get the most from 4oD History View your own personal 4oD history, useful if you share a computerKeep track of the last 50 shows you watched or started watchingResume unfinished shows from the point you stopped watching FavouritesCloseStart using Favourites today Look out for the add to Favourites button as you browse the siteUse the buttons to create a list of all your favourite showsNew 4oD episodes are flagged here so you don't miss out FIRST BROADCAST: 10.45PM Sat 13 August 2011C4 Duration: 47:14 An hour-long special made by Banksy charting the history of behaving badly in public, from anarchists and activists to attention seeking eccentrics.

The Antics Roadshow

Contributors include Michael Fagan talking about breaking into the Queen's bedroom: 'I looked into her eyes, they were dark'; and Noel Godin, who pioneered attacking celebrities with custard pies: 'Instead of a bullet I give them a cake'. More information Currently displaying all only audio described episodes. Celebrities support OWS.