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MSNBC Covers Police Brutality of Peaceful Wall Street Protesters. National Security Notice We are NOT calling for the overthrow of the government. In fact, we are calling for the reinstatement of our government. We are not calling for lawlessness. We are calling for an end to lawlessness and lack of accountability and a return to the rule of law. Rather than trying to subvert the constitution, we are calling for its enforcement. We are patriotic Americans born and raised in this country.

We don't support or like Al Qaeda, the Taliban or any supporting groups. The nation's top legal scholars say that draconian security laws which violate the Constitution should not apply to Americans. Should you attempt to shut down this site or harass its authors, you are anti-liberty, anti-justice, anti-American ... and undermining America's national security. Copyright Notice This site provides political commentary, education and parody protected by the fair use and My Lai/Zapruder exceptions to copyright law.

We are not copyright pirates. A spotlight on Wall Street greed. New York police on a rampage against demonstrators from Occupy Wall Street (Brennan Cavanaugh) DAILY PROTESTS and an ongoing park occupation in the financial district of New York City are gaining growing national attention as an expression of anger against Wall Street greed--and now the brutality of police against demonstrators, after the NYPD savagely attacked a march from the encampment to Union Square on September 24. The hundreds of people who have participated in Occupy Wall Street since it began September 17 are protesting economic inequality and the power wielded by banks and big corporations in U.S. society. The occupiers say they represent the 99 percent of society that is fed up with the massive wealth and corruption of the top 1 percent.

The initial demonstration drew some 500 people to Bowling Green Park, site of the famous Charging Bull sculpture that is a famous symbol of Wall Street. What happens next for Occupy Wall Street? James Illingworth contributed to this article. There Will Be a Protest to Protest the Treatment of Occupy Wall Street Protesters. Occupy Wall Street is now in its 12th day. This morning brought another march on Wall Street. In other cities, similar efforts are springing up. And, there are now efforts to protest the treatment the protesters have gotten from the NYPD -- most dramatically and media-attention-getting, the pepper-spraying of several women who were being corralled by netting. We spoke to Alex Vitale, a CUNY professor who, with Penny Lewis, has organized a demonstration "against police attacks targeting Occupy Wall Street. " The event is scheduled for Friday at 5:30 p.m., at One Police Plaza. In a press release Vitale issued today, he says that more than 1,000 people, including "dozens of trade union leaders, academics, writers, students, and other New Yorkers" are expected on Friday, to communicate their disagreement with how protests are handled in New York City and, ultimately, to attempt to get "the mayor put together a commission to look at the right way to handle protests.

" Vitate writes, Democracy Now! Mobile. Police said 'rough her up', according to Wall Street protester. Come Join Us On Wall Street. Come Join Us on Wall Street Wednesday, September, 28th, 2011, 1:51 am Share on Tumblr A message to all Americans from the brave folks at Occupy Wall Street: “We have food, water, electricity, and an unshakable commitment to changing the world. Pass it on! Come Join Us on Wall Street was written by Sarah Jones for PoliticusUSA. © PoliticusUSA, Wed, Sep 28th, 2011 — All Rights Reserved About Sarah Jones (2,399 Posts) Since joining PoliticusUSA in February of 2009, Sarah has been quoted by The Atlantic Wire, The Week, The Richard Dawkins Foundation and more.

Sarah graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a major in Psychology & Latin. Connect with Sarah Jones. 10 Demands Being Made By The Wall Street Protesters. Democracy Now! Mobile.