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Occupy Wall Street – A Collection. Photo by jamie nyc.

Occupy Wall Street – A Collection

Photo by david_shankbone. By Banksy. Photo by duncan. On Facebook. Photo by Tim Schreier. Photo by stanleyrogouski. Photo by jamie nyc. Photo by sunsetparker. Occupy Wall Street Catalyzing a Cooperatively Owned Communications Infrastructure. What would a cooperatively owned and operated communications infrastructure look like?

Occupy Wall Street Catalyzing a Cooperatively Owned Communications Infrastructure

One that used peer-to-peer technologies to create a global network which is immune to censorship and resistant to breakdown? It appears The Free Network Foundationis building one.I noticed a few people bouncing this idea around on the Next Net google groupearlier in the year, and now they seem to be moving forward quickly, with Occupy Wall Street a convenient catalyzing event to get things shipped.Their vision is to create a global communications infrastructure that is owned and operated by participants in the network, rather than by for-profit network operators. They currently have a prototype FreedomTower up and running at Occupy Austin, with a second one set up in Liberty Park at Occupy Wall Street in NYC.

The towers are providing internet access to the occupiers, and will be used to establish an occupation-to-occupation Virtual Private Network. Occupy* Posters. OccupyDesign. Occucards.Com.   POSTERS & MATERIALS. Autonomous zone on Wall Street? Wall Street occupiers gathered for a general assembly THE OCCUPY movement that is spreading across the country is shaking the narrow confines of politics as usual in the U.S.

Autonomous zone on Wall Street?

--and creating new possibilities for social struggle. People who have lost their jobs or their homes, who are tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, who are tired of watching the bankers get rescued from a crisis of their own making while austerity measures are imposed on those who bailed them out--many of them see in the Occupy movement a way to speak out about their grievances. The protest movement is also attracting people who don't just want to reform capitalism, but replace it with a system that serves human need, not profits. This has given rise to discussions, questions and debates about how to build a revolutionary movement in the U.S. Police Shoot Occupy Oakland Protester In The Face, Flash Bang Supporting Crowd. Swarm Wall Street: why an anti-political movement is the most important force on the planet. Swarm Wall Street: why an anti-political movement is the most important force on the planet Posted on 10.

Swarm Wall Street: why an anti-political movement is the most important force on the planet

Oct, 2011 by timrayner in Open culture, The movement Why are people occupying Wall Street? The US political elite and mainstream media don’t know what to make of it. ‘Anti-capitalist and unAmerican’, says Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, echoing the sentiments of the conservative left and political right. How Virtual Private Networks keep Occupy Wall Street communicating. How Virtual Private Networks keep Occupy Wall Street communicating Sepp Hasslberger 12th November 2011 Neal Ungerleider at has posted an article describing how the communications of Wall Street occupiers are made difficult and what is being done to keep them going and secure them against eavesdroppers.

How Virtual Private Networks keep Occupy Wall Street communicating

For one thing, the electricity generators, used to keep the lights on and to charge and run communications equipment, have been confiscated by the Police, ostensibly to prevent anyone from starting a fire. Bicycle-type generators were brought in to keep going. Free the Network. Who We Are We are the Free Network Foundation - builders and advocates of distributed and decentralized communication systems.

Free the Network

We believe that the Internet should be used to connect people, not to spy on them, oppress them, or turn a profit. We envision technologies that will transform the network into something owned and operated by humanity itself, rather than by governments or profit-driven corporations. 15october - Worldwide events map. "Billionaires" defend the 1% At Occupy Wall Street. The Propaganda Posters of the 1%

Banks and governments own all the money and power thus controlling society and they will do absolutely anything to keep it that way, To top it off we are now paying off there huge debt again, as planned -not a mistake.

The Propaganda Posters of the 1%

To be honest I have very little hope for society especially when people are trying to do something about this whether it the right way or not but still trying, only to be met with total denial from all sides. How Will the 99% Deal with 70 Million Psychopaths? Did you know that roughly one person in a hundred is clinically a psychopath?

How Will the 99% Deal with 70 Million Psychopaths?

These individuals are either born with an emotional deficiency that keeps them from feeling bad about hurting others or they are traumatized early in life in a manner that causes them to become this way. With more than 7 billion people on the planet that means there are as many as 70,000,000 psychopaths alive today. These people are more likely to be risk takers, opportunists motivated by self-interest and greed, and inclined to dominate or subjugate those around them through manipulative means. Revolution will not be televised ! Tous les outils pour suivre #occupyWallStreet. Hier soir, frénésie twitter.

Revolution will not be televised ! Tous les outils pour suivre #occupyWallStreet

Hier, le NYPD arrêtait 700 manifestants aux portes de Wall Street. Quasi Silence radio des grands networks. Nous étions 20.000 à regarder, depuis n’importe où dans le monde, des images amateurs diffusées dans le même temps. OCCUPY WALL STREET: Analyzing Their List Of Grievances... On Friday, the two-week old protest group finally issued a manifesto detailing what many are calling their "demands.

OCCUPY WALL STREET: Analyzing Their List Of Grievances...

" But the manifesto isn't a list of demands so much as a list of grievances. Some of these grievances, it turns out, are perfectly reasonable. Continental Congress 2.0. The Failure of the Occupy Movement or the Emergence of a Living Systems Organization. I got done chatting with a colleague this morning, who went on a bit of a rant about the failures of the Occupy movement. Their comments were similar to ones I’ve seen in the media – lack of apparent leadership, lack of specific demands.

Of course, I’ve also seen several cogent arguments that this is something ‘different,’ and the people are well aware what they’re angry about, and are figuring out how to level the playing field. (see Wall Street Isn’t Winning – It’s Cheating, by Matt Taibbi; Think Occupy Wall St. is a phase? 5 myths of Occupy Wall Street - David Weidner's Writing on the Wall. By David Weidner, MarketWatch NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — Occupy Wall Street, the month-long protest centered near the New York Stock Exchange, has the establishment scared.

Ten Ways the Occupy Movement Changes Everything. Posters from the #Occupy movement – occuprint. Just another Take The Square Sites site. A Citizen's Guide to Reporting on #OccupyWallStreet. Occupy Econ 101. An Open Letter to Greg Mankiw. The following letter was sent to Greg Mankiw by the organizers of today’s Economics 10 walkout. Wednesday November 2, 2011 Dear Professor Mankiw— Today, we are walking out of your class, Economics 10, in order to express our discontent with the bias inherent in this introductory economics course. We are deeply concerned about the way that this bias affects students, the University, and our greater society. As Harvard undergraduates, we enrolled in Economics 10 hoping to gain a broad and introductory foundation of economic theory that would assist us in our various intellectual pursuits and diverse disciplines, which range from Economics, to Government, to Environmental Sciences and Public Policy, and beyond.

A legitimate academic study of economics must include a critical discussion of both the benefits and flaws of different economic simplifying models. Harvard graduates play major roles in the financial institutions and in shaping public policy around the world. 'Occupy Wall Street' Issues First Official Declaration.

Declaration of the Occupation of New York City. This document was accepted by the NYC General Assembly on September 29, 2011 Translations: French , Slovak , Spanish , German , Italian , Arabic , Portuguese [ all translations »] As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling of mass injustice, we must not lose sight of what brought us together. We write so that all people who feel wronged by the corporate forces of the world can know that we are your allies. As one people, united, we acknowledge the reality: that the future of the human race requires the cooperation of its members; that our system must protect our rights, and upon corruption of that system, it is up to the individuals to protect their own rights, and those of their neighbors; that a democratic government derives its just power from the people, but corporations do not seek consent to extract wealth from the people and the Earth; and that no true democracy is attainable when the process is determined by economic power.

Safety Tips for Covering Occupy Wall Street. IdeaTorrent. Occupy Art « Propagandada. Techniques the Corporate Powers Will Use to Destroy the OWS Movement. Comment les militants anti-Wall Street retournent la vidéosurveillance contre les policie. Ils appellent cela de la "vidéoprotection". Oct. 29 #RobinHood Global March. Alright you redeemers, rebels and radicals out there, The Pepper Spraying Cop Meme. Welcome. Gallery: Pepper Spray Cop Squirts the Internet in the Eye. Clever Photoshop artists have turned the image of a police officer pepper-spraying Occupy Wall Street protesters into a fast-spreading internet meme.

"I'll Occupy" Recruitment Song: The 99 is Pissed and We Will Not Be Dismissed! Tweetboat on Donate Your Account. Anonymous - Occupy Wall Street. My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters. Keep Wall Street Occupied. Yes Lab. Funny actions are funny. Giving Direction To Occupy Wall Street. Posted on October 12, 2011 in Articles The Article: My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters: Hit bankers where it hurts by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone.

Sarah van Gelder: 10 Ways to Support the Occupy Movement. There are many things you can do to be part of this growing movement—and only some of them involve sleeping outside. posted Oct 14, 2011 In Westlake Park, Seattle, shortly before police removed the tent and arrested occupiers. Robert Reich on OWS Strategy: Hit ’Em Where It Counts.