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Library Providing Easily Customizable HTML-Style Syntax For Rich Text With NSAttributedString. Previously I mentioned a very cool library allowing you to make rich text using an HTML/CSS style syntax.

Library Providing Easily Customizable HTML-Style Syntax For Rich Text With NSAttributedString

There’s a number of similar libraries out there, and today I came across another very cool library called Slash by Chris Devereux that provides a simple HTML style markup language for NSAttributedString. The difference with this library and others is that it takes advantage of new features for NSAttributedString in iOS6 and you can easily define your own customizations using a dictionary. Chrisdevereux/Slash. Sub-Projects in Xcode. A very interesting yet very undocumented functionality of Xcode is that you can have sub-projects in your project tree.

Sub-Projects in Xcode

You can add an xcodeproj to your project and link to this project’s output. This is exceptionally useful if you are developing some functionality in a contained project and now want to access this polished functionality from another project. Like for example you want to add to your app the capability of accepting HTML code copied from Safari and use my DTWebArchive classes for that. Ccgus/fmdb. Ziminji/objective-c-sql-query-builder. Blommegard/SBTableAlert.


Open Source Code Libraries for iPhone/iOS. Apps. WEPopover for iOS. DMSlidingCell for iOS. Custom Map Annotation for iOS. SPGroupedTabView for Mac OS X. KLExpandingSelect for iOS. KOTabs for iOS. With KOTabs you can easily create a tabbed document interface.

KOTabs for iOS

The user can switch between tabs with a single tap. The tabs can be closed with the "x" icon in the corner. When there are more tabs than the screen can show, the whole bar can be scrolled to the side. It was developed for Kodiak PHP, an app which allows you to write and run PHP code directly on the iPad. To see the component in action, take a look at the video at or try our app called Kodiak PHP on the App Store. EKNotifView for iOS.

HEBubbleView for iOS. Custom UI Controls for iOS and Mac OS X - Cocoa Controls. Three20. Jarada/myLauncher.