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Joseph Kony's Staying Power As One Of Forbes' 10 Most Wanted Fugitives. African Critics of Kony Campaign See a 'White Man's Burden' for the Facebook Generation. Zynga Moves Beyond Facebook to Zynga, the casual gaming company that accounted for 12 percent of Facebook’s revenue in 2011, is starting its own gaming site at The first games to make the transition will be “CastleVille,” “Words With Friends,” “CityVille,” “Hidden Chronicles,” and “Zynga Poker” in early March. On the new platform, gamers will be able to connect with other players outside their networks on Facebook, called “zFriends.” Other social features include real-time chat, and the ability to post achievements, or to send gifts and messages without leaving the game. The interface shows a running tally of the number of players currently online, as well as a stream of who’s playing what on the right side of the screen.

But this doesn’t mean that the company is severing its ties with Facebook. Third-party developers will also be able to use Zynga’s platforms to publish games. “We’ve been a web/game company delivering content to our players and developing our own internal infrastructure and technology. The $1 per month Twitter business model | Digital Media. Gawker pounced on Twitter today with an article titled "Twitter's Secret History as the World's Worst Tech or Media Business," exposing what author Ryan Tate called "not encouraging" financials, which were leaked by a source allegedly with close knowledge of the company's recent past.

However, by the end of the article Tate allowed that "Twitter's laughable first five years of financial performance might just be an entertainingly weak introduction to a decades-long saga of epic riches, fame, and glory. " Twitter has some runway before the profit motive overwhelms its corporate senses. It has more money than it knows what do with at this juncture, collecting about three-quarters of a billion dollars over its nearly six year existence. And it continues to amass users globally, playing a role in revolutions, scandals, and politics, and spawning a worldwide verb, like Google has--all of which helps to assuage the impatience of investors large and small. It's time to update that proposal. Social media challenges jury trials, possible solutions. The proliferation of social media use has made waves in business and in the law. Social media’s impact on the law in particular continues to grow and evolve. One growing social media legal trend is the use of social media becoming a disruption for jury trials, namely as a result of juror misconduct.

A recent Wall Street Journal article discussed how social media use is interfering with jury trials. According to the article, written by Steve Eder in December 2011, a March 2010 murder conviction by an Arkansas jury was thrown out because a juror tweeted during the trial. Eder goes on to write that lawyers are increasingly using juror misbehavior through social media as a reason for appeals. The Arkansas case is the latest in a string of jury trial incidents involving social media use by jurors. As more and more individuals use and rely on social media in their everyday lives, this social media legal issue will only continue to grow. Social media use by jurors is a growing issue. Why Every Company Needs A Social Media Conductor. Public relations guru Cindy Weigle shares tips for effectively utilizing social media sites. Marketing for the security industry has always had its challenges. After all, what company really wants to talk extensively about its security?

Talk with any marketing, public relations or media person in the industry and he or she will tell you that one of the most difficult things is to get end-users to talk openly about their security systems. Now, add social media to the marketing mix. We are talking about Facebook, Twitter, blogs and all the other social platforms vying for attention these days. Social media is meant to be just that – "social. " It is meant to frequently and openly communicate about a company, its products, solutions, people, events and expertise. Social media is a way of showing your customers, investors, vendors and employees just who you are. To see why social media makes marketing sense you only have to look at the numbers: Blogs One of the first things we implemented was a consumer blog. We also started a B2B blog site for this client.

8 Strategies To Convert Your Free Social Media Content Into Cash. I have been listening to a free ebook (also available in a small cost.. but more about that later) from the Chris Anderson called “Free” via podcast on my iPhone over the last few days. He mentions in his eBook the declining cost of information due to what he calls the “Triple Play” of the digital age. Processor power doubling every 12 monthsBandwidth increasing at an even faster rate every year due to technology moving Terabits (they are a 1000 times larger than a Megabit) over the same optical fibre instead of just “mere” MegabitsStorage costs dropping at an even faster rate, so that every time January one passes, you can have more storage on our iPhone than our PC had 5 years ago at a fraction of the price He said “When copies are super abundant, they become worthless, stuff which can’t be copied becomes scarce and valuable..When copies are free, you need to sell things which cannot be copied” So what are we giving away for free in Social Media?

208inShare. What Happens During A Day On The Internet. NewhouseSM4 chats with Ken Burbary, VP, Group Director of Strategy & Analysis at Digitas · AlyssaNGoldberg. NewhouseSM4 chats with Ken Burbary, VP, Group Director of Strategy & Analysis at Digitas · AlyssaNGoldberg. Alyssa Goldberg | PearlTree. 2015 Projected Global Internet Traffic. Social Networking Most Important for Small Ecommerce Players. Ilana Rabinowitz is a "lion" in ecommerce and social networking. As Vice President of Marketing for the Lion Brand Yarn Company, she built a newsletter with over 1 million subscribers, launched an award winning podcast and blog, and created a presence on social media outlets that gives Lion Brand Yarn a circulation greater than all of the trade publications combined. Ilana writes and blogs at Social Media Explorer and Marketing Without a Net, Google Plus and Twitter.

EcommerceBytes caught up with Ilana to find out some of the secrets of successful social networking for ecommerce players. Do you see social networking as an important tool for online sellers who may not have a nationally known brand? Ilana Rabinowitz: I think social networking is most important for companies that are not nationally known brands. This is because people do business with companies they know and trust. I would never recommend that anyone try to conquer three at once. Social networking requires patience. How to get in the social media groove - VendingMarketWatch. What should you be doing with social media? Should a small business be investing in its use? If so, how? Beyond the anecdotal postings on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, American businesses are investing untold sums of money in social media in the hope of establishing stronger relationships with colleagues and customers.

Companies in all industries believe social media (SM) will be an important marketing and communications tool. How to go about it has proven a challenge. This article will provide insights on what companies are doing with SM, including examples of mistakes they have made. One truism about SM is that a business of any size will find it crucial to have a plan in place before investing in SM. SM has relevance in more than one area; 1) as a marketing tool, 2) as a customer service tool, and 3) as a networking tool for communicating with others in the industry. Social media moves forward A handful of vending and coffee service companies have launched impressive SM campaigns. Progressives Guide to Social Media 6: Facebook. Facebook ( FB ) is the largest social networking website in the history of mankind. There are over 800 million users (expected to breach 1 billion in August), while its once great rival MySpace is down to 130 million and falling.

With a community this large, it is extremely important to focus in on the key groups and not get distracted by all the noise to have a sharp impact. To be influential on FB as a progressive internet activist, you need to establish a good rapport with key members of the community, be interactive, and have good connections in active political groups. This takes time. While the official policy requires people to use their real name, enforcement of this has been relaxed so some anonymity conscience folks use their activist callsign or a fake names that sound real. Either way, your actions will determine your influence far more than anything else. A quick word of warning before we continue here. Fleshing out your Info page is a great way to start.

Raging Liberals.