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Music and Art

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Practicing music for only few years in childhood helps improve adult brain: research | Science News. Struggling to Reconcile Conflicting Beliefs? Listen to Some Mozart | Science News. What the brain draws from: Art and neuroscience | Science News. The Brain and Music - Beethoven vs Bach | Science News. Brain scans of rappers shed light on creativity | Science News. Brain Music: Researchers Construct Music From Brain Waves | Science News. Musical protolanguage hypothesis - support from congenital amusia. | Science News. Holy Therapist! 5 Signs Batman May Be Mental. A Meeting of Mind: Neuroscience, Art & the Creative Process | Science News. Babies' brains benefit from music lessons, even before they can walk and talk | Science News. The Brain Responds To Music The Same Way As Eating | Science News. This Is Your Mind on Music – Insights From Psychological Science - Association for Psychological Science | Science News. The neuroscience of Bob Dylan's genius | Science News.

Fiction on the brain | Science News. 5 Ways You Don't Realize Movies Are Controlling Your Brain | Science News.