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Sir John Daniel of the Commonwealth of Learning: Open Education and Policy. Timothy Vollmer, July 27th, 2011 Sir John Daniel has been working in open education from its earliest days.

Sir John Daniel of the Commonwealth of Learning: Open Education and Policy

“Openness is in my genes,” he says. Sir John is President and CEO of the Commonwealth of Learning, or COL. COL is an intergovernmental organization comprised of 54 member states. The overarching focus area for COL is “learning for development.” What were the primary motivations in developing an OER policy at COL? We’re in the open business, so it made sense to communicate a formal open policy prominently on our website. The work of intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) is very important, but to the outside observer it is sometimes not apparent what IGOs do.

If I may be so bold, I think your question reflects an American bias. In general, the IGO process aims to get countries to work together to do things they cannot do separately. COL has chosen the CC BY-SA license for its own materials. Many of the COL member states are located in the global south. Dos baby boomers às gerações X e Y: Engajamento, ousadia e inovação - Mercado.

Especialista descreve cada um dos grupos, detalhando anseios e motivações. "A próxima geração não é uma versão mais jovem da sua", alerta. A palestra do professor Graeme Codrington na InTouch 2011 - evento organizado pela Amdocs, provedora de soluções em software para empresas de telecom - se não foi a mais aplaudida, foi, de longe, a mais bem humorada. Sua apresentação, na semana passada, sobre as gerações Y, X e Baby Boomers, motivou gargalhadas de muitos dos presentes, talvez identificados com as situações que descreveu. “Vocês são daqueles que só assistem DVDs quando seus filhos estão em casa, por não conseguirem mexer no aparelho? E não é nem uma questão de fazê-lo tocar a mídia, o problema é encontrar o controle remoto correto. Logo no começo da exposição, Condrington exibiu uma cena do filme De Volta Para o Futuro. O professor lembra que a partir de 1989, grandes eventos se sucederam em um espaço de oito meses. Eles têm a visão, eles têm a motivação, eles têm o dinheiro.

Knowledge building. The Knowledge Building (KB) theory was created and developed by Carl Bereiter and Marlene Scardamalia for describing what a community of learners needs to accomplish in order to create knowledge.

Knowledge building

The theory addresses the need to educate people for the knowledge age society, in which knowledge and innovation are pervasive.[1] Overview[edit] Scardamalia & Bereiter distinguish between Knowledge building and learning. They see learning as an internal, (almost) unobservable process that results in changes of beliefs, attitudes, or skills. By contrast, Knowledge building is seen as creating or modifying public knowledge. Knowledge building refers to the process of creating new cognitive artifacts as a result of common goals, group discussions, and synthesis of ideas.

One of the hallmarks of Knowledge building is a sense of we superseding the sense of I, a feeling that the group is operating collectively, and not just as an assemblage of individuals. Jean Beausejour: “Podemos tener un educación de calidad con equidad para todos” Jean Beausejour: “Podemos tener un educación de calidad con equidad para todos” Jean Beausejour te invita a sumarte a Educación2020 en En Chile podemos tener un educación de calidad con equidad para todos” dice Beausejour en el video viral y luego pide apoyar al proyecto Educación 2020.

Jean Beausejour supports Educación 2020 Matías Reeves, director social de Educación 2020 nos explicó: “Somos un movimiento ciudadano que busca mejorar la educación de aquí a 2020, con énfasis en la calidad y la equidad”. - ¿Cómo llegaron hasta Beausejour? - Fue Harold Mayne- Nicholls quien tuvo toda la disposición del mundo para apoyar una causa como ésta. . - ¿Fue muy difícil convencerlos? - No hubo que convencer a nadie, Jean quiso participar de inmediato.

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