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Omaha - Software installer and auto-updater for Windows. Introduction Omaha, otherwise known as Google Update, is a program to install requested software and keep it up to date. So far, Omaha supports many Google products for Windows, including Google Chrome and Google Earth, but there is no reason for it to only support Google products. We know that keeping software updated is both important and hard, and so by open-sourcing this project, our hope is that perhaps we can help others solve this problem. So, if you'd like to get involved, or even use Omaha to support your own software projects, then just follow the instructions in the Getting Started guide below, and you'll be good to go! Getting Started If you would just like to browse the source, you can do so here. However, if you'd like to contribute to the development of Omaha, there are much more detailed instructions in our Developer Setup Guide that you can follow to download and build Omaha.

Design Overview A high level design overview of Omaha is provided here. What is the best way to auto update a windows application. Installer - MSI installation and UAC. Como dar permiso a un usuario para instalar aplicativos en su equipo local. Hola Juan Antonio. Este año comenzo mi experiencia como administrador de windows server R2, especificamente con Standar. Yo tenia el mismo incoveniente, ya que quieria que algunos usuarios de la red tuvieran los privilegios de administrador en sus equipos para que ellos puediran instalar las aplicaciones que quisieran, logicamente son usuarios avanzados que poseen conceptos sobre seguridad del sistema. Cada vez que requerian instalar o desinstalar una aplicacion , el administrador tenia que ir hasta el equipo e ingresar la contraseña de administrador para permitir estas acciones. asi que decidi hacer lo siguiente: El Usuario tiene privilegios de administrador en su equipo unicamente, y en realidad en mi experiencia no he tenido algun inconveniente con este procedimiento.

Me disculpo si mi respuesta tal vez no sea acertada o quizas no llene tus expectativas de acuerdo a tu situacion. Gracias. NAppUpdate – Application auto-update framework for .NET « Code972. Any desktop applications programmer finds himself every now and then looking for a library providing an application auto-update functionality, that is flexible and easy-to-integrate. I had the intention of working on such a library for some time now, so it will do things the way I want it to. Last week I got to actually doing it, and I'm quite satisfied with the results. NAppUpdate can be integrated easily with any .NET application - WinForms or WPF, and it offers great flexibility through interfaces, for feed readers, file sources, and update tasks. It also supports conditional updates, the implementation of which offers unlimited extendibility. I based my work on Lee Treveil's .NET-Auto-Update, and although I practically rewrote almost everything, he certainly deserves this credit. The library, released under the Apache 2.0 software license, can be downloaded / cloned from More to come soon...

Autoupdate - Auto update .NET applications. Application Auto Update in VB.NET. Download source and demo files - 24.3 Kb Introduction This code enables an application to update itself when there is a new version available. The auto update is transparent to the user and checks for new updates every time the user launches the program. This code was written to be used in a controlled environment (intranet) and is not intended to be used through the internet due to security issues.

Background I've been developing client/server systems for a long time, and the worst part of the software life cycle is to update it in all users' machine. Today a lot of systems offer the ability to auto update, what makes the programmer's and the user's life easier. Some points that I'd like to have in an auto update program are: Easy to implement and use.

How it works In the program that you want to be auto updateable, you just need to call the AutoUpdate function in the Main procedure. The code The auto update program This is the code for the auto update program. The auto update class/function. Rob Menching and the MSI SDK. For Windows admins, the Windows Installer service has made life considerably easier. MSI packages are now far, far easier to install than what went before. IT Pros will know the value of using MSI packages with Group Policies and how to achieve it. In my training classes, it’s clear that some delegates know and love the concept but are less clued in on some of the details. A great way to learn more about how MS technologies work is to read the System Development Kit (SDK) documentation. SDKs are produced mainly for developer to help them understand how to program against a set of API, in this case how create MSI packages and how to use the Windows Installer service. Over on Rob Menshing’s Open Uninstalled blog, I saw a post noting that the MSI SDK was not ranked very well in “major search engines”.

That’s a shame as there’s a lot of good information here, including: There’s some great information here about the underpinnings of MSI packages and the Windows Installer service. Free Windows Installer - MSI Installer Tool. Per-user versus per-machine « Setup And Deployment Blog. How should I implement an auto-updater. Setup Project Automatic Upgrade. Automatic update end-user application (using Visual Studio 2010 and C#) over web? Thanks chanmm and roger_27 for your replies. chanmm - yes, normally the user would have to push the power button, click the mouse, etc to return from sleep to power up mode on a Win 7 machine. However, we find on this specific machine, we have to hold the power button down (i.e. to do a force shutdown which shouldn't be the case). roger_27 - I will check the Windows updates and .NET framework on these machines. I ran a powercfg -ENERGY command from a DOS window, and the beginning of the report is as below. Does anyone know of other checks that I could run to see why machine sleep isn't working correctly?

Power Efficiency Diagnostics Report Analysis Results Errors Power Policy:Display timeout disabled (Plugged In) The display is not configured to turn off after a period of inactivity. Power Policy:Sleep timeout is disabled (Plugged In) The computer is not configured to automatically sleep after a period of inactivity. Power Policy:USB Selective Suspend is disabled (Plugged In) Stephen. Adding automatic updates to your program - Part 1. Download demo - 153 KB Introduction In today's world, applications are quickly moving towards a simple, all-encompassing distribution model. Web applications are gaining popularity because of their scalability and ease of deployment, and desktop applications are becoming less common.

This holds both positive and negative consequences - mainly with functionality and user experience. Most applications need to ensure the best user experience possible for any given situation. In many cases, a web site meets the needs of both the developer and the consumer. For these applications, the need arises for an easy and reliable method of deployment that allows the application the flexibility for any scenario. Background The technology that will be presented uses Microsoft's ClickOnce publishing mechanism that is built into Visual Studio 2005. It's difficult to use your own deployment methods (use Windows Installer, for example) and still use ClickOnce for automatic updates. OK, what now? Preparation. DDay.Update - an update library for .NET.