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Dr.Tabor Channel. Spinal Care. NaturalTrainingCenter Channel. A Chiropractic Adjustment. Phaelosopher Channel. From Poorest Area on Farm Over 5 Years to BEST in 10 Weeks with PHOTONIC Water. University Channel. Vitamin D Beats Vaccines. DruglessDoctor Channel. What to know about Recycle 7 Part One Dr. Bob DeMaria. Dr Bob DeMaria is discussing the significance of Re-cycle No. 7 -- DrB discusses BPA found in Re-cycle No. 7 in his book, "Dr Bob's Drugless Guide to Detoxification" a must read if you have estrogen dominance with tender breasts and a heavy menstrual flow.

Do you have teenagers? Young children? This is a must Watch to stay Healthy!!. For more go to Dr Bob sends out timely nuggets on Tuesdays and Fridays, register at Also, join Dr. Bob every Wednesday at 12:05 pm ET, for a FREE LIVE INTERACTIVE WEB CAST. Video Keywords: bpa dr bob demaria estrogen detoxification dr bob dr demaria re-cycle no 7 Rate This Video: 0 ratings. What to know about Recycle 7 Part Two Dr. Bob DeMaria.