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ShnitzelKiller. Music Generation | toneunit. Chromat is just one application built on Tone Unit's algorithmic music software engine. The music software engine works by analyzing the rhythms, melodies and harmonies in a musical piece. The software identifies these building blocks, and can manipulate them to produce musical variations and hybrids. Replayer (Max for Live Device): Functional prototype for Chromat Four MIDI clips are assigned to a different corner of a square. On play, the device generates a stream of melody from these sources. The melody morphs between the four melodies in real time as the user moves the pointer around on the square. Points very close to a particular corner will produce a melody almost exactly like the MIDI clip assigned to that corner. Each pointer location triggers a stochastic process which outputs a stream of musical notes.Transition tables store probabilities for each subsequent note based on the currently playing note. 2001: A Space Odyssey Internet Resource Archive: Sounds.

8-bit Nintendo Sounds as a Free Windows/Mac Plug-in (Add an NES to GarageBand, Stompbox NES FX) The best way to get 8-bit sounds is to employ a real NES system or Game Boy for fifteen bucks and go to town — nothing else sounds quite the same. But for the next best thing, and the ability to do evil things to those sounds within a serious host, this free plug-in from Japan that will do the job: YCMK Magical 8bit Plug [ Official Site ] Totally free, totally cross-platform (Windows VST, Mac AU). Via Adrian Anders and the CDM forums, where we’re trying to figure out why it’s crashing someone’s installation of Ableton Live.

Anyway, here’s what it sounds like, emulating the compositional style of classical NES tunes of yore: The authentic sound comes from the choice of 8-bit waveforms, limited to square, triangle, pulse, and noise waveforms, plus envelope shape. Beginner Tutorial: Add Nintendo Love to GarageBand First off, here’s how to insert this as an effect in GarageBand, giving any Mac free access to an NES sequencer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Silly “Advanced” Example Alternative Options. Cyberworm's sample blog.