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El blog de Gestalt-Terapia» Blog Archive » QUÉ ES LA TERAPIA GESTALT. Create your own Scanimation with Animbar. Picket fence animation (sometimes also called barrier-grid animation) is an optical illusion.

Create your own Scanimation with Animbar

The illusion consist of two sheets – a white sheet with an image printed on it and a transparent plastic sheet with a number of black bars on it. The white sheet of paper underneath has a number of alternative images printed on it, in the form of very thin vertical stripes. In front of the picture card is a piece of clear plastic, which has vertical black and opaque stripes printed on it with thin gaps. When the plastic sheet is moved from side to side, the image printed on the sheet underneath appears to animate. Analog Animation Tutorial.


Compañia Perfecta - blog de animación e ilustración. DAVID LLOPIS ANIMATION O LA WEB DE UN CANALLA. The Blackwing Diaries.