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Religion. People. Music. Science. Information. Dude Perfect - Téléchargements mobiles. Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011. Download the PDF of these ideas : Public Art Concepts - Dan Sternof Beyer 2011 (2mb) [ New American Public Art ] Mathijs1988 : @sugru @bitsoffreedom @doctorow ... Loesje - Photos du journal. Death Buy Lemonade. Dad builds a backyard roller coaster for his daughter - The Feed Blog. The Holstee Manifesto: Lifecycle Video. Ramsey Nasr - 'mi have een droom' Famous Failures. Golden balls. the weirdest split or steal ever! Facebook. BEFORE I DIE I WANT TO... a polaroid project by nicole kenney and ks rives. Facebook. Broadcast Yourself. Best Things About Being Blind.

Micha Wertheim - Meepraten. TMB Panyee FC short film. 77 Inspiring Reflections of Creativity. The Future is Ours. This Is Water - David Foster Wallace - Part 1. Modernism vs. Zen Aesthetic by Zoe Y. Zheng. Seattle-based graphic designer Zoe Y. Zheng has created this clever series of minimalist posters entitled “Modernism vs. Zen Aesthetic”… Zoe Y. Zheng «Modernism vs. Zen Aesthetic» est une magnifique series de posters minimalistes par la graphiste Zoe Y. Zheng de Seattle, Etats Unis… I Know It Is Possible To Live With Zero Money, Abundantly (Living Without Money) Entrepreneurs can change the world. Bill Gates on 11 things no one will teach or learn at school - What they don't teach in the classroom.

1 Kor 13 - - Nederlands Bijbelgenootschap. De liefde 1 Al sprak ik de talen van alle mensen en die van de engelen – had ik de liefde niet, ik zou niet meer zijn dan een dreunende gong of een schelle cimbaal. 2 Al had ik de gave om te profeteren en doorgrondde ik alle geheimen, al bezat ik alle kennis en had ik het geloof dat bergen kan verplaatsen – had ik de liefde niet, ik zou niets zijn. 3 Al verkocht ik mijn bezittingen omdat ik voedsel aan de armen wilde geven, al gaf ik mijn lichaam prijs en kon ik daar trots op zijn – had ik de liefde niet, het zou mij niet baten. 4 De liefde is geduldig en vol goedheid.

De liefde kent geen afgunst, geen ijdel vertoon en geen zelfgenoegzaamheid. 5 Ze is niet grof en niet zelfzuchtig, ze laat zich niet boos maken en rekent het kwaad niet aan, 6 ze verheugt zich niet over het onrecht maar vindt vreugde in de waarheid. 7 Alles verdraagt ze, alles gelooft ze, alles hoopt ze, in alles volhardt ze. 8 De liefde zal nooit vergaan. Speech van Charlie Chaplin in 'The Great Dictator' (Nederlands ondertiteld) Facebook. Wall Photos. 99% Invisible | A Tiny Radio Show About Design with Roman Mars. Facebook. Caine's Arcade. ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment on USTREAM: The High Definition Earth Viewing (HDEV) experiment aboard the International Space Station (ISS) was activated. The Mindscape of Alan Moore.

Amazing video, i have ever seen. The Anatomy of Determination. September 2009 Like all investors, we spend a lot of time trying to learn how to predict which startups will succeed. We probably spend more time thinking about it than most, because we invest the earliest. Prediction is usually all we have to rely on. We learned quickly that the most important predictor of success is determination. At first we thought it might be intelligence.

Everyone likes to believe that's what makes startups succeed. It makes a better story that a company won because its founders were so smart. In most domains, talent is overrated compared to determination—partly because it makes a better story, partly because it gives onlookers an excuse for being lazy, and partly because after a while determination starts to look like talent. I can't think of any field in which determination is overrated, but the relative importance of determination and talent probably do vary somewhat. If determination is so important, can we isolate its components? Notes [1] Loosely speaking. Mathijs1988 : You know you are a nerd when... Wall Photos. Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.

Fires in the Sky - CollegeHumor video. The Sweetness. The magic button — Make Everything OK. The Nicest Place on the Internet. Facebook. Love Letter to Food. SAMUEL BECKETT: Ever tried. Ever failed. Shame. Proof That Cats Are Better Than Dogs.