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Increase Your Chances of Getting a Raise by Asking at the Right Time. @zenmoused: That's the difference between a business and a friend. See, if you have a child, and theyn you ask me to pay for it (since your salary comes out of my pocket) is that fair? If I have another child, or buy a new car, can I reduce your salary to pay for it?

That would be an outrage, wouldn't it? That's what you're asking from me as a business owner. And, for the record, I would not give that person a raise based on their request, but I know others who might take just the stance I suggested - and I might be driven to such a position if the requests were frequent/persistent. Please realize that in the past three years, through the worst of he recession, I have given raises every year, as well as bonuses twice a year. I'm actually winding my business back to a one-man shop, primarily because it's so hard to find both good employees AND find the right mix of projects to keep them all busy.

Make Money in Your Spare Time Doing Simple Online Tasks. Frugal Living | Frugal Tips | Frugality. EmailEmail Frugal Living is not just a way of life, it’s also a state of mind. We can aim to generate as much income as possible, but wealth won’t accumulate without wise spending habits. Frugality is about stopping the money leaks while still living a fulfilling life and it requires a mindset adjustment in order to succeed.

Here are a few articles to start you off on the right path. Frugal Living Tips And here are a few practical tips so you can live frugally and happily. Example and Experiments and Practical Advice Need more tips? Frugal Living – What Do You Think? Do You Think Saving Money is Always Worth It? This is actually the beginning. Wait, Here’s The Best Part You can also sign up for the free frugal newsletter, and for a limited time, I’m giving away a free 7-part mini course on how to live simpler, more frugal and be happy.

7 Habits of Highly Frugal People. EmailEmail One of the most direct way to change your life, you need to change your attitude. No one else is responsible for what happens to you but you, so you can either complain about the things you don’t like in your life or you can set about changing them. Not surprisingly, this directly relates to the state of your finances. If you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, having your phone regularly cut off, or making excuses to skip dinners with your friends, then you can use these seven habits to take control of your money situation and live a happier and more frugal lifestyle.

Habit One: Be Proactive The first habit to develop is to take responsibility; if you fail, you have no one to blame but yourself. [Here are 6 action steps to take when you feel financially vulnerable.] What most people forget is that though you can’t control the stimulus, you can control your response. How to be proactive for effective frugality: Take the first step. Habit Two: Begin with the End in Mind. Gold, Peace, and Prosperity - Mises Media. The 5 Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor. #2. You Become an Obsessive Bean-Counter When You're Poor ... Remember that time you were cleaning out your wallet and found an extra $5 bill stuffed inside one of the pockets? Poor people are laughing their asses off right now because I might as well be asking if they remember the time they found an extra minotaur in the kitchen.

When you're living check to check, there is no amount of money that isn't accounted for, right down to the last penny. You don't have "about 70 bucks" in the bank. You think in exact numbers because, at any given point, you have to know if swiping the debit card for gas will put you into overdraft territory. Photos.comNot bad. Paying the bills becomes a work of algebraic artistry as you find out how much they'll take in order to not shut off your gas.

Once You Escape ... You get to a point where you stop worrying about exact numbers, and you start to drift into a place where rounding off the bills and bank account isn't a big deal. . #1.