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Changing List View orientation from vertical to horizontal. I built something close to this using the dataview webpart, Jquery, and CSS. Basically the approach is to create one giant straight down list and let the jquery do the work for you. My list was basically a site contributors list, so I used a dataview webpart of a list of all site users. I wrapped the main xslt of the user data that i wanted to display in the div below.

<div class="contributor"> //WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DISPLAY </div> here is the jquery i used to parse this list. Lastly use some CSS to arrange the columns. its alot to take in, hopefully i made it clear. Quick Links using a Data View – Horizontal Links with Style and Flair « Sandy Jacolow&#039;s Real Estate Technology Blog. All too often in life we find people will choose form over substance, looks over depth. Yet every now and then we have the opportunity to have both form and substance combine for a more pleasurable experience. Unfortunately SharePoint’s out of the box look and feel has always detracted from its depth and ability to be a robust information delivery platform .

Harken back to our days of dating, yes we’re all guilty of it, when you’d meet someone who you enjoyed being with but didn’t embrace it because it wasn’t the look you wanted. So where am I going with this tangent, SharePoint’s Quick Links have always been a simple list or one with a throw away icon. Not to mention if you had too many links you were stuck with that unsightly scroll bar. Using a SharePoint DataView, XSL Style Sheet and SharePoint Designer to bring them together we have just the right blend of form and substance. So let’s get started… You will now see the SharePoint Data View Web Part placed on the page. <xsl:param>’ Customizing the Content Query Web Part and Custom Item Styles. With Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007 and Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0, we can use the Content Query Web Part (CQW or CQWP) to display SharePoint content from another source on a SharePoint page.

This web part is rather nifty and one of my new favorite things about MOSS 2007. At first glance you tend to pass it by, then when you see what it can do, it is pretty cool. Imagine if you will, creating a list in SharePoint 2003 and then adding it as a web part to your WSS home page or SPS portal area. You are then limited to controlling the view through the Web Part Tool Pane by hiding or showing various columns.

The data that is used here is stored in a Pages library for a News site, which of course is just a list. First, hands down this is a fantastic blog post to read on the subject: Configuring and Customizing the Content Query Web Part on the ECM Blog. Add a CQWP To The Site Add a Content Query Web Part to a page in the site. Create the Custom Item Style Heads up! The Query String URL &amp; Data View Web Parts (Part 3 of 4) - Laura Rogers @WonderLaura. Connect a Query String (URL) Filter Web Part to another Web Part - SharePoint Server - Microsoft Office. Use the Query String (URL) Filter Web Part to click a link that displays a Web Part Page and that automatically filters other Web Parts on that page.

For example, you can create a Web Part Page that displays a different set of customers (Standard, Preferred, Elite, and All), each time a user clicks a different link (Display standard customers, Display preferred customer, Display elite customers and Display all customers )*. * Links are not active and are for sample purposes only. What do you want to do? Learn more about the Query String (URL) Filter Web Part The Query String (URL) Filter Web Part is a context filter that is not visible to a user on the Web Part Page and does not take user input. You can use the Query String (URL) Filter Web Part to filter data in connected Web Parts on a Web Part Page by using one or more name/value pairs in a URL query string. The URL query string If you are passing two or more name/value pairs, separate them with an ampersand character (&).

Creating links.