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Twitter tools and marketing. HOW TO GUIDE: 60 Great How To Sites and Resources. Ever had one of those moments when you really wished you knew how to do something specific? If only there were someone you could ask... Thanks to the social web, particularly niche blogs and expert-driven communities, it's easy to find knowledge, insights and guidance direct from the pros, no matter what the topic area. In fact, online tutorials and how-to sites have been around almost as long as the web itself. Here's a run-down of more than 60 great how-to sites and guides covering everything from building a mashup to being more productive, creating a website and more. Have a great how-to site that will teach us something new? Add it to the comments and tell us more about it!

General How-to wikiHow - A huge collection of how-to guides edited by the community. eHow - One of the largest collections of tutorials on the web. eHow is a 2008 Open Web Awards Blogger's Choice winner. How To Do - Find articles from experienced contributors on how to do just about anything. Inc. Personal Branding 102: How to Communicate & Maintain Your Br. Dan Schawbel is the author of Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success, and owner of the award winning Personal Branding Blog. In my previous post, Personal Branding 101, we discussed the importance of branding in this web 2.0 world, as well as how to discover and create your brand.

In Personal Branding 102 we’ll discuss how you’ll communicate your personal brand, using social media tools and proven marketing tactics, and then how to sustain your future growth by performing brand maintenance. Communicating your brand This is the exciting and challenging part of the process. Put on your personal PR hat and start to promote your materials. Evangelize: Although you are the chief marketing officer for the brand called you, what others say about your brand (especially if they are respected and well-known) is more impactful than what you say about yourself. Pitch media: Instead of spamming reporters, do some homework and figure out who covers what.

Maintain your brand. TwitterIt Button Maker. Online - Documentation.