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Cargo Cult Methodology: How Agile Can Go Terribly, Terribly Wrong - - Business Technology Leadership. CIO — Software development is prone to fads, going back to the days of "goto Considered Harmful.

Cargo Cult Methodology: How Agile Can Go Terribly, Terribly Wrong - - Business Technology Leadership

" One current fad goes under the general name of "Agile methods;" some of its variants are extreme programming, the SCRUM methodology and Alastair Cockburn's Crystal Clear Methodology. Now, I'm the last guy to run down Agile methodologies, but...let me tell you a story. About two years ago, I joined a project to build an appliance to Do A Good Thing. I'm changing the names and details to protect, well, primarily me, but innocents were involved. Constant Change» Blog Archive » Kanban Ground Rules Example for a Specific Team.

Introduction Kanban is a pull system that determines the supply, or production, according to the actual demand of the customers.

Constant Change» Blog Archive » Kanban Ground Rules Example for a Specific Team

In contexts where demand is difficult to forecast the best one can do is to quickly respond to observed demand. This is exactly what a kanban system does, it acts as a demand signal which immediately propagates through the entire chain. Definitions Cycle Time – The difference between the date any one thing is placed in the PO queue and the date that thing is released in to production.