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China an example of Cultural Resistance. "Mass collaboration can be this class and doing. TalkingSit : Constraint: tells you to talk... Researchers Review Boston Bombing Social Media Activity. Post by: Kim Stephens Project HEROIC–which stands for Hazards, Emergency Response, and Online Informal Communications (see footnote)–took a close look at the online activity of official organizations during the recent domestic terrorist event in Boston and the ensuing suspect chase–that seemed like a marathon in itself. They released a report today (May 10) titled “Following the Bombing” which I have summarize below. Their Methodology and Findings In order to understand what types of information was provided to the public and how broadly it was distributed, the project team reviewed 29 different government agency or related Twitter accounts.

The project team reviewed two main items: 1. Boston FD gained a 25% increase in followers without posting once the day of the attack. Read the whole report here. Like this: Like Loading... Crackdown on Bloggers Is Mounted by China. 8 Things You Don’t Want In Your Infographic. TalkingSit : Constraint: tells you to talk... Why Social Media Is the Front Line of Disaster Response.

Nearly one million people are affected by natural disasters each year. In the U.S. alone, some 400 people die from disasters that cost the economy $17.6 billion. Helping respond to these cataclysmic events, social media is now a go-to tool for those effected by disasters. One in five Americans has used an emergency app. Of those Americans effected by natural disasters, 76% used social media to contact friends and family; 37% of used social media to help find shelter and supplies; and 24% used social media to let loved ones know they're safe. This infographic, created by our friends at USF's Online MPA , details how social media has revolutionized communications during natural disasters. Have you used social media to communicate with loved ones during a storm, hurricane, earthquake or forest fire? Homepage image courtesy of iStockphoto , Krakozawr. Participatory Culture Foundation - PCF - Open-source video tools for a better world.