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Qda miner lite. excellent choix. QDA MINER LITE (Logiciel gratuit) QDA Miner Lite est une version gratuite et facile à utiliser de notre populaire logiciel d’analyse qualitative assistée par ordinateur.

qda miner lite. excellent choix

Il peut être utilisé pour l’analyse de données textuelles telles que transcriptions des entrevues et des nouvelles, des réponses ouvertes, etc., ainsi que l’analyse des images fixes. TAMS soft gratuit pour mac. Site personnel de Philippe Cibois. Il s'agit d'un logiciel libre (précisions) de dépouillement d'enquête, librement reproductible.

Site personnel de Philippe Cibois

Il fonctionne sous windows (98 à XP, Vista, Seven). L'objet de ce logiciel est de fournir aux chercheurs, enseignants, étudiants et à toute personne en ayant l'utilisation un outil simple d'usage et gratuit pour dépouiller des enquêtes en utilisant des techniques simples comme les tris croisés ou plus complexes comme l'analyse factorielle, des méthodes post-factorielles ou la régression sur données d'enquête. Les données peuvent exister préalablement a l'utilisation de Trideux : le cas le plus habituel est constitué de données individuelles où à chaque ligne correspond un individu statistique et à chaque position une réponse de cet individu à une question.

Ces données peuvent avoir été saisies avec Excel (puis tranférées directement ou en utilisant le format dBase) ou venir d'autres logiciels en Ascii. Free QDA. Welcome to RQDA Project. Laurence Anthony's Software. AntConc A freeware concordance program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux.

Laurence Anthony's Software

The AntConc Homepage (including previous versions, tutorials, and help) AntPConc A freeware parallel concordance program for Windows. AntWordProfiler A freeware word profiling program for Windows, Macintosh OS X, and Linux similar to Paul Nation's Range program. The AntWordProfiler Homepage (listing all previous versions of the AntWordProfiler software.) AntFileConverter A freeware tool to convert PDF files into plain text for use in corpus tools like AntConc AntMover A freeware text structural analyzer program for Windows AntCLAWS-GUI A front-end interface to the CLAWS tagger developed at Lancaster University, UCREL. The AntCLAWS-GUI Homepage (listing all previous versions of the AntCLAWS-GUI software.) WebParaNews A web-based interface to the Japanese-English News Articles database of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT).

The WebParaNews Concordancer. ANVIL: The Video Annotation Research Tool. jATLAS: a Java implementation of ATLAS - ATLAS overview. Choix de logiciels plutot anciens. This page in English Dans un usage domestique ou professionnel, les logiciels libres présentent de nombreux avantages.

choix de logiciels plutot anciens

Dans une perspective scientifique, être en mesure d'ouvrir la boîte noire de l'outil sur lequel repose le travail interprétatif (et partant de prendre connaissance de ses ressorts) ne constitue pas seulement un avantage mais un impératif constitutif de la démarche scientifique. Logiciels : Antconc Anvil Atlas Cassandre Catma Dna Elan Freeqda Glossanet Graphviz Iramuteq Morphix-nlp Netvis Nodepad Porphyry R Rqda Squanto Tamsanalyser Textable Transana Transcriber Txm Unitex Weft-qda Introduction. Dedoose. Resources are your interviews, stories, fieldnotes, focus group transcripts, audio files, video, photos—your qualitative data. Descriptors are the demographics, quantitative variables, test scores, and other identifiers for each case, person, transcript, setting…in your database. These descriptor data—all the information you collect about the individuals, groups, or settings that are the focus of your research—can take many forms (e.g., numeric, textual, date, categorical/nominal and others).

Dedoose resource and descriptor manager features and wizards guide you quickly through the process of importing all your project data via commonly used file formats so you can get working right away. Further, smart import engines assure the reliability and validity of your data as you bring them to Dedoose—you’ll see previews and data verification reports on possible problems alongside clear solutions before you upload your project data into Dedoose.

Dedoose interet. Home > Uncategorized > Another look at Qualitative data analysis for Mac users: Dedoose Technically I’m not meant to be looking at data analysis right now: it’s writing month, and the last thing I need to be doing is getting lost in data.

dedoose interet

However, the Qualitative Data Analysis Software for Mac – A Brief Look post that I wrote last September is still getting a huge amount of traffic every day, and I thought it was time to write a quick update. What’s changed? Lots. I recently discovered a tool called Dedoose. The main advantages that I can see are: Cross-platform (so I can use it on my Mac without needing to buy and install Windows and Parallels or VMware Fusion! For me, the downsides are: Storing my project data online will require an ethics variation form, as my current ethics approval requires me to store digital copies on RMIT servers.

I think that a PhD project is a good place to start trialling it, as I don’t need to convince a group of co-workers to give it a shot. Like this: Discussion sur soft pour mac. EDIT: Since writing this post, I’ve opted for a browser-based tool called Dedoose.

discussion sur soft pour mac

I’ve written a bit more about it here. This has turned out to be a much shorter search than expected. I’ve been looking for qualitative data analysis software that runs on Mac OS X, and have found a disappointing short list of applications. What I want: Runs natively on OS X, without requiring dual-booting into Windows, or virtual machine softwareFlexibility in tagging text (interview transcripts and field notes) according to themes that will emerge during analysisVisualisation of tagged data (coding stripes, etc)Search functions (boolean searches, proximity searches, negative cases, comparing to demographic data, etc)Intuitive, user-friendly interface.