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52014DC0297. COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, THE COUNCIL, THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMITTEE AND THE COMMITTEE OF THE REGIONS On the review of the list of critical raw materials for the EU and the implementation of the Raw Materials Initiative /* COM/2014/0297 final */ This Communication follows the Communication of 24 June 2013[1] on the implementation of the Raw Materials Initiative.


It presents the new list of critical raw materials and provides, in the conclusions, an overview of the upcoming activities related to the Raw Materials Initiative, the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials and the part of Horizon 2020 that concerns raw materials. A parallel Staff Working Document summarizes the work done over last year under the three pillars of the Raw Materials Initiative[2] as well as cross-cutting activities.

V Číně bobtná obří jezero smrti, živí ho naše touha po vzácných kovech. Web of Science [v.5.16.1] - All Databases Full Record. Volume: Issue: Pages: Published: View Journal Information Data from the 2013 edition of Journal Citation Reports®

Web of Science [v.5.16.1] - All Databases Full Record

Businessinsider. Vzácné zeminy. Černá hromádka uprostřed je praseodym, dále po směru hodinových ručiček cer, lanthan, neodym, samarium a gadolinium.

Vzácné zeminy

Prvky vzácných zemin nebo kovy vzácných zemin je skupina prvků, kterou tvoří skandium, yttrium a všechny lanthanoidy. Mají obdobné fyzikální vlastnosti: jsou to měkké kovy s výbornými magnetickými vlastnostmi. První objevenou vzácnou zeminou bylo gadolinium v roce 1787 ve Švédsku. Seznam vzácných zemin[editovat | editovat zdroj] Těžba[editovat | editovat zdroj] Za vzácné jsou označovány nikoli proto, že by jich bylo málo v absolutních číslech (cer je v zemské kůře zastoupen zhruba stejně jako měď), ale že se málokdy vyskytují v takových koncentracích, aby se vyplatila těžba.

Nový podnik na těžbu kovů vzácných zemin v Jakutsku. Rare Earth Market Outlook Report — Technology Metals Research. What Does the Future Hold for Rare-Earth Supply, Demand and Pricing? — Technology Metals Research. Print You hardly need me to point out that the rare-earth junior mining sector is in a challenging place right now.

What Does the Future Hold for Rare-Earth Supply, Demand and Pricing? — Technology Metals Research

The current state of rare-earth prices and their impact on the market cap of pretty much every company in the sector, has everyone concerned. Are things going to get better? Are future rare-earth prices going to reach the numbers predicted in recent scoping and pre-feasibility studies? The future of rare earth recycling. Rare earth elements like these are used in a wide variety of technologies, from magnetic resonance imaging to fluorescent lighting.

The future of rare earth recycling

Clockwise from top left: gadolinium, praseodymium, cerium, lanthanum, neodymium and samarium. [Image credit: Wikimedia Commons] What do a smartphone, a hybrid car and a Tomahawk cruise missile have in common? REE Supply and Demand. Will future supply be able to meet future demand?

REE Supply and Demand

Description of Problem Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are becoming increasingly integrated in new technologies, especially within the clean energy, military, and consumer electronics sectors. U.S. Rare Earths, Inc. The future of the non-Chinese rare earth market. There has been some interesting commentary of late in the rare earths space.

The future of the non-Chinese rare earth market

Not the hype that occurred as part of the boom and bust of 2010-12 when there were 400 or so “active” rare earth (REO) explorers cum developers, but some concerned efforts to try to work out the future opportunity that the now 20 or so genuine rare earth players present. The commentary tries to define what is happening in North America, Europe, Africa and Australia but the stories miss the most vital part of the logic. What vital part would that be? Answer: China. Why? So what is the China REO space doing and where is it going? The world is becoming awash with cerium and lanthanum. Subscribe here to receive free daily InvestorIntel updates I mentioned that Baotou is a light REO district. There will be ongoing imbalance in cerium and lanthanum, so expect some export volume. I want to summarize the China situation as it impacts on dysprosium. There is further justification for government (and industry). The Great Rare Earth Price Recovery – Boldly Backwards Into the Future!

I was putting together a pile of data recently for a new cut at a forward-looking rare earths price deck.

The Great Rare Earth Price Recovery – Boldly Backwards Into the Future!

This one will deal with all the rare earths, except for thulium because no one can tell me what thulium is really for, and there isn’t any data available on it because, as far as I can tell, no one really cares. If you are the one buyer in the world who really needs thulium, and not just nearby rare earths with some thulium contaminating it, I’m sorry, but I’m still not going to try and project future prices on thulium. Doing so for any of the REOs is a lot of work, much less adding another one that makes no difference to project economics. Anyway, I was also speaking at a meeting this week, and was asked a question that mirrors a concern others have expressed in the comments sections on InvestorIntel, too. This person asked me when rare earth prices were going to recover. Rare earth element. As defined by IUPAC, a rare earth element (REE) or rare earth metal is one of a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides, as well as scandium and yttrium.[2] Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth elements because they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties.

Rare earth element

List[edit] A table listing the seventeen rare earth elements, their atomic number and symbol, the etymology of their names, and their main usages (see also Applications of lanthanides) is provided here. Some of the rare earth elements are named after the scientists who discovered or elucidated their elemental properties, and some after their geographical discovery. A mnemonic for the names of the sixth-row elements in order is "Lately college parties never produce sexy European girls that drink heavily even though you look".[6] Abbreviations[edit] Rare Earth Metals: Will We Have Enough? Photo: Wayfinder_73 Life in the 21st century wouldn’t be the same without rare earth metals.

Rare Earth Metals: Will We Have Enough?

Cell phones, iPads, laptops, televisions, hybrid cars, wind turbines, solar cells and many more products depend on rare earth metals to function. Will there be enough for us to continue our high-tech lifestyle and transition to a renewable energy economy? Do we need to turn to deep seabed or asteroid mining to meet future demand? Clean energy could lead to scarce materials.

As the world moves toward greater use of low-carbon and zero-carbon energy sources, a possible bottleneck looms, according to a new MIT study: the supply of certain metals needed for key clean-energy technologies. Wind turbines, one of the fastest-growing sources of emissions-free electricity, rely on magnets that use the rare earth element neodymium. And the element dysprosium is an essential ingredient in some electric vehicles’ motors. The supply of both elements — currently imported almost exclusively from China — could face significant shortages in coming years, the research found. The study, led by a team of researchers at MIT’s Materials Systems Laboratory — postdoc Elisa Alonso PhD ’10, research scientist Richard Roth PhD ’92, senior research scientist Frank R. Field PhD ’85 and principal research scientist Randolph Kirchain PhD ’99 — has been published online in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, and will appear in print in a forthcoming issue.

Department of Energy Releases its 2011 Critical Materials Strategy. Washington, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today released the 2011 Critical Materials Strategy. Peak Resources. HomeAbout UsRare EarthsProjectsMedia CentreInvestorsContact Us Home > Rare Earths >Critical Rare Earths > Critical Rare Earths Although the 15 naturally occurring rare earth elements are generally similar in their geochemical properties, their demand and value are by no means equal. Global supply of rare earth elements could be wiped out by 2012 - (NaturalNews) It's the bubble you've probably never heard of: The rare earth bubble. And it's due to pop in 2012, potentially devastating the industries of western nations that depend on these rare elements. What industries are those? The automobile industry uses tens of thousands of tons of rare earth elements each year, and advanced military technology depends on these elements, too.

Lots of "green" technologies depend on them, including wind turbines, low-energy light bulbs and hybrid car batteries. In fact, much of western civilization depends on rare earth elements such as terbium, lanthanum and neodymium. Prvky vzácných zemin. Jak moc vzácné jsou vzácné zeminy? Blog - Kateřina Březová ( Řada z plánů na snížení emisí uhlíku zahrnuje větší využívání větrných elektráren a nahrazení benzínem poháněných automobilů automobily na elektřinu. Jak větrné turbíny, tak elektrická vozidla ale potřebují prvky dysprosium a neodymium pro výrobu magnetů, které jsou klíčovou součástí jejich motorů a generátorů. Tyto dva vzácné kovy mají neobvyklou konfiguraci elektronů a mimořádně silné magnetické vlastnosti. Nalezení náhrady za tyto prvky by bylo obtížné.

Motory a generátory s magnety vyrobenými z jiných materiálů by byly těžší, méně výkonné nebo oboje. Naše životy závisejí na skupině zvláštních prvků – tzv. lanthanoidů neboli prvků vzácných zemin, anglicky také pod zkratkou tzv. Přijdete v noci unavení z práce domů a rozsvítíte. Kovy vzácných zemin nacházejí v posledních 50 letech významné a nezastupitelné praktické využití v průmyslu a energetice díky zrychlujícímu se tempu nových technologií, a to včetně alternativních zdrojů energie.