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Mental Health

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Trieste MHD: Archive of texts. On this page you will find an archive of texts on all aspects of mental healthcare in Trieste and related topics, with a historical survey of the deinstitutionalisation process in Trieste and an introduction to the life and work of Franco Basaglia, together with a selection of his writings. The Trieste Mental Health Service Guide: The Mental Health Services Guide 2004 (DOC 300 Kb) Roots and branches The destruction of the Mental Health Hospital as a place of institutionalisation (...) Trieste twenty years after: From the criticism of Psychiatric Institutions to Institutions of Mental Health (PDF 224 Kb) Giuseppe Dell'Acqua, Director, Mental Health Department Trieste (1995) The invented istitution (PDF 27 Kb) Franco Rotelli, Former Director, Psychiatric Services of Trieste (Trieste 1988) Eight plus Eight Principles.

Deinstitutionalization and Community: A possible restitution (PDF 357 Kb) Roberto Mezzina, Mental Health Dept. Is Rehabilitation a Social Enterprise? Laws, policies, documents. | ccoms. EDITIONS ERES - Les sciences humaines et les pratiques qui s'en inspirent.

Mental Health & Social Exclusion

Intervention Methods. Care Networks.