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Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder): Signs, Symptoms, Treatment. Dissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder) is thought to be a complex psychological condition that is likely caused by many factors, including severe trauma during early childhood (usually extreme, repetitive physical, sexual, or emotional abuse).

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder): Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

What Is Dissociative Identity Disorder? Most of us have experienced mild dissociation, which is like daydreaming or getting lost in the moment while working on a project. However, dissociative identity disorder is a severe form of dissociation, a mental process which produces a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memories, feelings, actions, or sense of identity. Dissociative Disorders (MayoClinic) Dissociative identity disorder. Although neither epidemiological surveys nor longitudinal studies have been done, it is thought DID rarely resolves spontaneously.

Dissociative identity disorder

Symptoms are said to vary over time.[6] In general, the prognosis is poor, especially for those with co-morbid disorders. Dissociative disorders including DID have been attributed to disruptions in memory caused by trauma and other forms of stress, but research on this hypothesis has been characterized by poor methodology. Definitions[edit]