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The Startup Genome Compass – Behind the Scenes | Ron Berman. Loi pour l'initiative économique. Les - Actualité à la Une. Les entrepreneurs ayant fait faillite ne seront plus fichés à la Banque de France. Voilà une nouvelle qui va plaire aux 144.000 patrons concernés. D'après une information publiée, ce samedi 7 septembre, dans le journal Le Parisien, les entrepreneurs dont la société a été liquidée ne seront désormais plus fichés à la Banque de France. Et ce dès lundi prochain. Jusqu'à aujourd'hui, les chefs d'entreprise ayant fait l'objet d'une liquidation judiciaire étaient référencés sous l'indicateur "040". Cet indicateur recensait les dirigeants ayant connu un seul dépôt de bilan au cours des trois dernières années. "Décomplexer l'échec dans notre pays" "Le fichier dit "040" a un effet stigmatisant pour obtenir des prêts bancaires.

"Dans un parcours d'entrepreneur, connaître un revers fait partie d'un cursus normal", juge Fleur Pellerin qui "souhaite décomplexer l'échec dans notre pays". L'Europe a produit 30 start-ups valorisées 1 milliard de dollars en dix ans | Mieux que ce que l’on pourrait croire, c’est le résultat qui ressort d’une étude menée par la banque d’investissements GP Bullhound sur l’écosystème tech européen.

Depuis 2003, l’Europe a « créé » 30 entreprises du secteur numérique et technologique, valorisées plus de 1 milliard de dollars (739,3 millions d’euros) chacune. Le Vieux Continent se place donc juste derrière les Etats-Unis qui en comptabilisent pour leur part 39 sur la même période. Parmi ces sociétés européennes, que les experts qualifient de « licornes » pour leur caractère unique, figurent le Britannique spécialiste de l’habillement Asos, les studios de jeux vidéos King Digital, le portail immobilier Zoopla ou encore le service de musique à la demande Spotify. Ces « licornes » européennes (Israël est inclus dans l’étude) ne représentent que 0,27% des créations d’entreprises technologiques dans le monde sur les 14 dernières années. L’Angleterre occupe la première marche du podium. How to Create an Entrepreneurial Economy - HBR IdeaCast. Featured Guest: Daniel Isenberg, professor of management practice at Babson College and author of the HBR article The Big Idea: How to Start an Entrepreneurial Revolution.

Download this podcast KARON DILLON: Welcome to the HBR IdeaCast. From Harvard Business Review. I’m Karen Dillon and I’m joined in the studio today by Daniel Isenberg, a Professor of Management Practice at Babson College, and author of a forthcoming article in Harvard Business Review called How To Start An Entrepreneurial Revolution. Professor Isenberg, thanks so much for joining us today. DANIEL ISENBERG: Thank you.

KARON DILLON: Professor Isenberg, your article makes the case that governments around the world are recognizing that entrepreneurship can transform their economies. DANIEL ISENBERG: Well, I can give you just a few examples, Karen. KARON DILLON: Your article suggests that attempts to emulate Silicon Valley will fail. DANIEL ISENBERG: Rightly so, in my opinion, and the opinion of a lot of people. The Tragedy Of Calling Things Silicon Blah. I was in LA for the past three days hanging out at Oblong, meeting with a bunch of entrepreneurs I know, then spending time at MuckerLabs, giving a talk at SCVStartup, and finishing up my trip with a half day at LaunchPad LA followed by a dinner that LaunchPad LA and Mark Suster put on.

Even though I still felt fried from my 50 mile run, I had a great time and I’m sure I fed off of the energy of all the people I spent time with. At the dinner I gave a short talk on Startup Communities and then answered some questions. The first question was “what do I think of the phrase ‘Silicon Beach’ for the LA startup community.” I responded that I thought it was stupid. I hate Silicon Whatever. LA should be LA. In the late 90′s a wave of “Silicon Blah” appeared. If you are going to create a startup community, build your own identity. Even within a city like LA there are startup neighborhoods. LA is huge. Analyzing Startups in London (GBR) | SeedTable. business/documents/profiles/country/FRA.pdf. business/documents/profiles/country/FRA.pdf. Visualizations. Home :: GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor :: The Ascent Of Early-Stage Venture Capital. Editor’s note: David Blumberg is the Managing Partner of Blumberg Capital. David has been investing in early-stage technology companies for more than 24 years. His current investment focus includes Digital Media, Social Media, Mobility, SaaS/Technology Enabled Services and Internet.

Early-stage funding by angels and venture capital firms is growing in size and impact on the technology industry. Last year, U.S. venture capital firms raised 10 percent less than in 2012, but VC funds focused on early-stage investing raised $9.37 billion, a jump of 51 percent, according to DJX LP Source. In addition, 151 early-stage firms closed funds – more than in the last dozen years. And at the angel (seed) stage, the number of investments announced globally tripled in 2012 and 2013 versus 2007-2011, according to the 2014 Preqin Private Equity Report. Why the Surge? There are a number of structural reasons for the surge in early-stage funding: Enriching Startups. GEDI Index | Global Entrepreneurship Development Institute. The Global Entrepreneurship & Development Index was created to provide a more complete understanding of economic development by capturing the contextual nature of business formation, expansion, and growth.

It is based on analysis of comprehensive data sets from more than 120 countries that marshal information about the “3A’s” of development: entrepreneurial attitudes, aspirations, and activity. 2014 GEDI Results 2013 GEDI full country rankings Country specific excerpts can be found at the GMU CEPP site. To purchase the 2013 GEDI book click here To view the 2012 GEDI book country rankings click here To purchase the 2012 GEDI book via click here To purchase an electronic version of the 2012 GEDI Index for only $31.20 from Google eBookstore click here Global Entrepreneurship & Development Index Zoltan J.

Edward Elgar Publishing 2011 “Here is a volume packed with important information on entrepreneurship and management subjects critical for the growth of the world’s economies. Cost of Living Comparison Between Paris, France And London, United Kingdom. Cities of Opportunity: Analysis and forecast of global urban economic centres: PwC. Corporate Venture Capital Report - Q1 2014 - CVC Involvement in Venture Hits Funding High. $3.01B Across 129 Deals. Q1 2014 marked a blowout quarter for funding activity with corporate venture participation as funding hit $3.01B across 129 deals.

In Q1 2014, venture capital funding in the U.S. hit its highest quarterly mark since Q2 2001. And bolstering the record-setting quarter was significant participation by corporate venture capital groups. Over the three-month period, corporate venture capital investors participated in 129 deals representing total funding of $3.01B. Of note, CVC funding participation hit an eight-quarter high and jumped over 73% on a sequential basis. Compared to the same quarter last year, CVC funding more than doubled as CVC balance sheets are helping in late stage mega-financings. Let the bubble chatter intensify. Corporate VC deal sizes get big in Q1 Driven by a host of $50M+ deals including two deals totaling over $1B in aggregate funding, average deal size with corporate venture participation hit a five-quarter high and grew over 69% on a sequential basis.

The Daily Startup: Former Google Exec Targets Italy, U.S. With 60M Euro Fund - Venture Capital Dispatch. Corporate Venture Groups Participate in Nearly 1/3 of Overall VC Funding. Corporate VCs are playing a critical role in the largest VC financings. Can they really be ignored? Armed with big balance sheets, corporate venture groups are making their presence felt in the venture ecosystem. According to CB Insights data, corporate venture activity accounted for 30% of the $9.99B total venture capital funding in Q1 2014.

The amount of corporate venture financing was a notable rise over that of recent quarters and marked a multi-year high. On a deal basis, corporate venture arm’s participated in almost 15% of all VC deals which was in line with historical levels. Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures is not a fan of corporate VC groups, but given their increased prominence in venture, it may be tough to ignore or avoid them. To see more highlights from the CB Insights Corporate Venture Capital Activity Report – Q1 2014, click here. More VCs passing on startups in favor of growing companies. By Heather Somerville Posted: 05/09/2014 03:00:00 PM PDT1 Comment|Updated: 17 days ago Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann addresses a Pinterest media event at the company's corporate headquarters in San Francisco on April 24, 2014.

Pinterest raised about $425 million in venture capital funding last year. If you just launched a company from your apartment last week and are looking for some cash, don't go to knocking on a venture capitalist's door. Venture capital is giving less money to startup companies and putting whopping sums into businesses with a solid customer base and steady revenue, according to venture capital data from the first quarter this year. Companies that launched two to five years ago are raising $200 million and $300 million -- sums that a few years ago would be unfathomable to put into an apartment sharing website or messaging app. Nationally, seed-stage funding dropped 24 percent to 41 deals in the first quarter. Top accelerators and incubators in London. Home to startups like song identifier Shazam, cab hailing service Hailo, social chat platform Badoo, and gaming company Mind Candy, London is home to a rich and growing tech ecosystem. While the city has yet to see its first billion-dollar tech company, it’s taking steps to reach that goal.

Back in December, Prime Minister David Cameron announced a £50 million investment in London’s Tech City, which covered the cost of building co-working spaces, classrooms, and workshops. A few years ago, if you were a startup in London, you might’ve had trouble getting your operation off the ground due to a lack of seed funding. That’s no longer the case as high-profile investors are moving into the city in search of the next big thing. If you’re a startup in London, there are several accelerators and incubators to help you jumpstart your business, including: TechStars London Who should apply: TechStars has traditionally been fairly broad in which startups it accepts into its programs. Seedcamp Healthbox. Tech City News | Latest news, events, analysis and comment from Tech City London | TECH CITY NEWS.

Exclusive: Is this the end for Tech City London? Drastic changes for Tech City in London from April 2014 Responsibility for London’s Tech City will be handed over to London & Partners from the next financial year, Tech City News can exclusively reveal. Following the departure of Joanna Shields earlier today, the future for the Tech City UK quango is looking increasingly bleak. Responsibility moves to London & Partners Government sources have confirmed as of the next financial year responsibility for the London part of Tech City will fall to London & Partners, the Mayor’s official promotional organisation for London. London & Partners is a not for profit body designed to promote London on the world stage and is funded by the Mayor’s office and commercial partners. Their activities include promoting investment, business partnerships and more recently supporting London Technology Week. Rebrand to Tech City UK Political tug of war Boris Johnson opening Level39 with Eric van der Kleij What’s next?

These streets are about to change. Paris, la France, le paradis des Start-up... : Challenges. Qu’on se le dise, à moins d’un an des municipales de 2014, l’adjoint au maire de Paris Jean-Louis Missika est entré en campagne. En charge de l’innovation et engagé aux côté de la candidate socialiste Anne Hidlago, il a convié la presse "dans les anciens appartements privés de la famille Tibéri" pour faire un bilan de la politique d’innovation réalisée à Paris pendant l'ère Delanoë.

Capitale mondiale de l’innovation, le Paris de demain se fera avec son équipe ou ne se fera pas. Ses deux ingrédients : patience et investissements. "Pour que Paris reste Paris, il faut investir massivement dans l'innovation et la recherche", annonce celui qui aime voir grandir les "3.000 start up installées à Paris". "If you’re going to San Francisco…" Côté financements, l’Etat a co-financé deux incubateurs Paris Biotech et Agoranov.

C'est Paris, -notamment en mettant gracieusement à disposition le mètre carré parisien-, qui est le plus gros soutien financier. …come back. Tech City – believe the hype? | Technology. Since the Coalition came to power in May 2010, the Tech City initiative has had significant money, PR and industry support thrown behind it. Tech City is often trumpeted as the saviour of the UK's flagging economy and the ultimate replacement for a broken financial services industry by capitalising on two of the UK's greatest, but underexploited, strengths – science and innovation.

But how much innovation is actually taking place in Tech City? And what about other burgeoning tech clusters in the UK? When Cameron announced in November 2010 that the UK government would be throwing its weight behind Tech City, he was clear about what he wanted to achieve. "Our ambition is to bring together the creativity and energy of Shoreditch and the incredible possibilities of the Olympic Park to help make east London one of the world's great technology centres," he said. "Tech City has become a thriving hub of tech-based enterprise and creativity," said Shields. Number crunch Slow movers? Brighton rocks. Paris, la France, le paradis des Start-up... : Challenges. Paris VS Tech City Londres: le vrai du faux : Challenges. Qui de Paris ou de Londres est la plus attractive pour les Start Up ? Depuis l’annonce faite par la ministre Fleur Pellerin d’établir un nouveau quartier numérique dans la capitale en 2014, la rivalité entre les deux villes ne cesse de s’exacerber.

Dès 2010, Londres a lancé son immense chantier de la "Tech City", dans le quartier des anciennes "tea houses", à l’Est de Londres. Pour effacer son retard et montrer qu’elle ne se laisse pas distancer, Paris avance un bataillon d’arguments. Pour les départager : une visite de la Tech City londonienne, organisée pour la presse, et les réponses de la Ville de Paris. The French metropole a même preparé un fichier de données pour mettre son adversaire K.O, avec un leitmotiv : "Paris est devant Londres".

Paris 2014 VS London Tech City : "The Battle" (et fact-checking). 1. Soyons honnêtes dès le premier round : Paris se sent toute petite face à sa voisine tentaculaire et le concède volontiers. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Halle Freyssinet : les travaux vont pouvoir commencer. Halle Freyssinet : les travaux vont pouvoir commencer La Halle Freyssinet accueillera dès 2016 le plus grand incubateur du monde. Cette future locomotive de l’entrepreneuriat, créée en partenariat avec la Ville de Paris, et co-financée par la Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations et par Xavier Niel, vient de se voir délivrer son permis de construire. Début des travaux prévus pour cet été. Ce nouvel incubateur qui représente le plus grand incubateur au monde accueillera 1 000 start-up innovantes, tous secteurs confondus.

Ces start-up bénéficieront d’un espace de travail unique, sur plus de 30 000 m2 pour émerger et transformer leurs projets innovants en véritables entreprises de rang mondial. Ce projet inédit qui représente une 1ère mondiale a pour objectif de permettre le développement d’une nouvelle génération d’entreprises qui seront les succès de demain et dont la France a besoin pour rayonner à l’international et renforcer sa compétitivité. Une première visite officielle En savoir plus. Bourse French Tech | Bpifrance servir l'avenir. Conseil stratégique de l’attractivité : l’innovation à l’honneur. La French Tech - LA FRENCH TECH. London’s tech startup scene is hot — just don’t compare it to Silicon Valley. Tech City Map - Home. PM announces £50m funding to regenerate Old Street roundabout. (16) How can London be made a better place for startups? Venture capital funds: A-Z Directory.

Tech Investors Get Pumped Up In London: Search all databases | HEC Paris Library. Bootstrapping 101: how to found your startup and survive the first ... Web Startups: The London Scene: Search all databases | HEC Paris Library. The Silicon 60: Search all databases | HEC Paris Library. Google chief: London can be leading hub for Europe's tech start-ups: Search all databases | HEC Paris Library. Rentez-Vous | Vivez la mode, ne la possédez pas! / Live fashion, don't own it ! French Startuppers in London. Some-french-entrepreneurs-say-au-revoir. (16) What were the most significant (>$250m) tech exits in Europe in the past 3 years? And who were some of the main investors? Euro Entrepreneurs: "Either Come to the Valley or Stay Home and Play with the Losers"

London Startup Guide. (16) Startups in London: Which London Internet startups are doing more than $10m in revenue? Eze Vidra. Deborah Rippol. Intro to the London Startup Scene 27/3/2014. The Hottest Startup Hubs in Europe - Job Coconut Blog. Rude Baguette - Intro to the Paris Startup Scene. The French startups database, Startups France list, france fundraising, french entrepreneur, investor. My Drive. Les Entrepreneurs Français à Londres. Entrepreneurs français : La tentation de Londres. Entrepreneurs français : La tentation de Londres. Accueil - Frog Valley. Expatriation à Londres, Royaume Uni : Conseils | Business Booster 247. L'exil fiscal des entrepreneurs vers Londres.

Tech List. Start-ups in Europe: A tale of two ecosystems. Paris & Berlin – The tale of two cities (Part 2: The Startup Ecosystem) Ecosystem Report 2012 Part 1 vers 1.2.pdf. Paris : des start-up performantes mais en manque de moyens.