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Public Relations Pros Advise BP's Robert Dudley - Advertising Age - News. Sociétés : BP dévoile des pertes abyssales. Le montant de la perte nette trimestrielle du pétrolier dépasse 17 milliards de dollars, un nouveau record historique pour une société britannique.

Sociétés : BP dévoile des pertes abyssales

Le groupe s'apprête à vendre pour 30 milliards de dollars d'actifs, et confirme la démission de son directeur général. Pub TV low cost: Pour soigner sa e-reputation, BP achète les mot. Pour essayer de ne pas être « englouti » par la marée noire, BP achète les mots-clefs sur le Web. marée noire BP achète les mots clefs sur le Web Depuis quelques jours, sur tous les moteurs de recherche en anglais, Google, Yahoo!

pub TV low cost: Pour soigner sa e-reputation, BP achète les mot

Et Bing, les termes « marée noire« , « marée noire du golfe du Mexique » et toutes les expressions similaires conduisent à des »liens sponsorisés » vers le site officiel de BP où le groupe explique ses efforts. Marée noire: Le web coule BP - marée noire twitter facebook BP - BP se rachète une conduite sur Google. Si vous cherchez des informations impartiale sure la marée noire de BP, pas sûr que la requête «BP oil spill» [marée noire BP] sur Google soit la meilleure.

BP se rachète une conduite sur Google

ABC News rapporte que la compagnie pétrolière a dépensé autour de 10.000 dollars par jour dans l'achat de mots-clés liés à la catastrophe pour que le premier résultat de recherche renvoie vers le site officiel de BP: «Une simple recherche Google pour «oil spill» sort plusieurs milliers de résultats, mais le premier lien, souligné tout en haut de la page, est de BP. 'Apprenez-en plus sur les efforts de BP', peut-on lire sur le lien.» Un porte-parole de BP a confié à ABC que la compagnie essaie d'attirer les internautes vers son site Internet mais a insisté sur le fait qu'elle était motivée par de bonnes raisons. «C'est une démarche très proactive pour la marque», analyse un expert en marketing. «S'ils n'achètent pas ce lien qui emmène vers leur message, ils laissent en quelque sorte la planète décider d'elle-même.» Photo de Une : C. BP Buys Search Engine Phrases Redirecting Users. Be careful where you click, especially if you're looking for news on the BP oil spill.

BP, the very company responsible for the oil spill that is already the worst in U.S. history, has purchased several phrases on search engines such as Google and Yahoo so that the first result that shows up directs information seekers to the company's official website. A simple Google search of "oil spill" turns up several thousand news results, but the first link, highlighted at the very top of the page, is from BP. "Learn more about how BP is helping," the link's tagline reads.

A spokesman for the company confirmed to ABC News that it had, in fact, bought these search terms to make information on the spill more accessible to the public. null But several search engine marketing experts are questioning BP's intentions, suggesting that controlling what the public finds when they look online for oil spill information is just another way for the company to try and rebuild the company's suffering public image. Poll shows negative ratings for BP, federal government - Behind. Americans overwhelmingly see the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico as a major environmental disaster, and most want the federal government to pursue criminal charges against BP and its drilling partners, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Poll shows negative ratings for BP, federal government - Behind

Q. From what you've seen and heard, do you think that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a major environmental disaster, a serious environmental problem but not a disaster, or is it not too serious an environmental problem? Q. Do you think the federal government should or should not pursue criminal charges against BP and other companies involved in the oil spill? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat? Public complaints against BP are twofold: Most give poor ratings to its reaction to the massive spill, and most blame the company and its drilling partners for taking unnecessary risks that could have caused the spill. Oil Spill Seen As Ecological Disaster; Government, BP Responses. Released: May 11, 2010 Support for Offshore Drilling Declines Overview A majority of Americans see the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico as a major environmental disaster, but nearly as many voice optimism that efforts to control the spill will succeed.

The latest national survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted May 6-9 among 994 adults, finds that the public is critical of the response to the crisis by the federal government and British Petroleum, the company that operated the oil rig that exploded on April 20 and is now struggling to stop the underwater oil release. Evaluations of the initial government response are similar to public views of federal efforts immediately after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast in 2005. Katrina in September 2005 (58% only fair/poor).

The criticism extends to President Obama, with just 38% saying they approve of his handling of the oil leak and 36% saying they disapprove. BP fâché contre un utilisateur Twitter. Link by Link - For a BP Spoof on Twitter, Biting Trumps Earnest. Map and Estimates of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - Inter. About the Oil Slick and Landfall Locations The “estimated extent” of the oil slick is an estimate by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of where oil is mostly likely to go based on wind and ocean current forecasts, as well as analysis of aerial photography and satellite imagery.

Map and Estimates of the Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - Inter

The “surveyed extent” shows areas where oil was visible on the water surface during aerial and satellite surveys of the Gulf. The surveyed extents are not available every day and may be incomplete on occasion because poor weather conditions prevented observation in some areas. The extents may vary widely from day to day because of changes in wind patterns and ocean currents. The loop currents are from NOAA and from Roffer’s Ocean Fishing Forecasting Service. The locations where oil has made landfall are based on reports from federal, state and local officials. Marée noire : comment l'image de BP a sombré - COMMUNICATION BP.