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Chopping the Long Tail down to size. High performance access to file storage Exclusive The most comprehensive empirical study of digital music sales ever conducted has some bad news for Californian technology utopians.

Chopping the Long Tail down to size

Since 2004, WiReD magazine editor Chris Anderson has been hawking his "Long Tail" proposition around the world: blockbusters will matter less, and businesses will "sell less of more". The graph has become iconic - a kind of 'Hockey Stick' for Web 2.0 - with the author applying his message to many different business sectors. Alas, following the WiReD Way of Business as a matter of faith could be catastrophic for your business and investment decisions. ATB Labs - Trac. The Long Tail. Sun, 08 Nov 2009 00:46:19 “Priced and Unpriced Online Markets” by Harvard Business School professor Benjamin Edelman.

The Long Tail

Discusses tradeoffs in market such as email, IP addresses, search and dial-up Internet. “Reminiscent of the old adage about losing money on every unit but making it up in volume, online markets challenge norms about who should pay, when, and why.”