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Weiter » Links zum Thema. Mercedes-AMG. Startseite. Model X. Model X is designed with safety as the first priority. The floor-mounted battery lowers the center of gravity so that the risk of rollover is about half that of any vehicle in its class. The battery structure strengthens Model X against side impact intrusions. And without a gasoline engine, the large front trunk acts as a giant impact-absorbing crumple zone. Model X continually scans the surrounding roadway with camera, radar and sonar systems, providing the driver with real-time feedback to help avoid collisions.

A medical grade HEPA filter strips outside air of pollen, bacteria, viruses and pollution before circulating it into the cabin. Startseite. Deutschland: Dynamische Sportwagen aus Maranello/Italien. Luxury Liqueur The Original. Luxus Auto Welt - Alle News, Daten, Bilder und Videos zu Traumautos - World's Luxury Guide | Discover your world of luxury.