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SUCCESS Magazine — What Achievers Read. On Newsstands Now! Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog. This is a post by David Dotlich, Chairman and CEO of Pivot Leadership.

Leading Blog: A Leadership Blog

He is a co-author of The Unfinished Leader: Balancing Contradictory Answers to Unsolvable Problems with Peter Cairo and Cade Cowan. To be a leader today in almost any organization means you are daily, if not hourly, bombarded with problems and challenges that don’t have clear-cut “right” answers. Or, even more confounding, there are many “right” answers, depending on your perspective.

Such challenges include meeting contradictory needs (for example, tending to your “stars” while building the team as a whole), delivering quarterly results while investing for the future, maintaining consistent standards and policies while accommodating unique customer requirements, or staying focused on results while adhering to your company’s purpose and values.

Blog. — Ramblings From a Glass Half Full. Steve Farber. Leadership Freak. 20 Ways to Screw Up Your Management Career. Last Updated Dec 11, 2009 6:17 PM EST If you're a regular on The Corner Office, you know I've seen managers, executives, and CEOs do a lot of dumb things over the years.

20 Ways to Screw Up Your Management Career

And all-too-often, I've been one of them. Sure, the stories are entertaining and enlightening, but more important is knowing and steering clear of the top failure modes and self-destructive behavior that can destroy or at least stunt an otherwise promising career. It’s the Soft Stuff That’s Really the Hard Stu. Excerpts from press release and article reprinted with permission from Right Management: Job seekers who focus on selling their experience or technical skills may be missing out in today’s job market, according to new research by Right Management.

It’s the Soft Stuff That’s Really the Hard Stu

Organizations are looking for people with a good motivational fit with the team and the organization’s culture. A recent Right Management study of close to nearly 900 senior leaders and Human Resource professionals revealed surprising insights into just what factors lead most frequently to on-the-job success. Respondents overwhelmingly pointed not to employees’ technical skills, expertise or experience, but to other, very different qualities: organizational culture and motivational fit, as well as savvy, appropriate interpersonal skills. These findings have implications for both job seekers and for leadership development.

The Corner Office. Productivity, Management, and "Getting It" According to a study of nearly 1,300 mid-level managers around the world by consultancy Proudfoot, vast amounts of the average manager's working day are spent on unproductive activities.The Global Productivity Report found managers spent 34 per cent of their time on administrative tasks and just a tenth of their time on training and active supervision of their workers.Their workers, too, were not exactly buzzingly productive.

Productivity, Management, and "Getting It"

Chickens, Eggs, and People Who "Get It" Let's assume that the survey results are valid and that the 1300 managers represented a scientific random sampling with an acceptable +/-% margin of error. The managers' list of 'barriers to improving productivity' is formidable. I couldn't help but notice: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Would someone please tell me: a. B. All of the above are so behaviorally interrelated that one has to ask the, "What came first, chicken or egg? " BTW: The answer is good management. What I Am Seeing.

Changes: Diagnostic Leadership. Leading Change: When People Don't Know What They Don't Know Western culture likes to wave the "total participation" flag when it comes to business decisions and implementation.

Changes: Diagnostic Leadership

I've spent time in this series discussing the importance of involvement and erring on the side of inclusion. How to Manage Smart People. <A HREF=" Widgets</A> Issue 13 | How to Manage Smart People By Scott BerkunPublished Feb. 8, 2005 4:00 p.m.

How to Manage Smart People

After spending nine years at Microsoft managing some of the smartest people in the world, Scott has a few tips to share on the art of managing the best. Download About Scott Berkun | For nine years I worked at Microsoft in various different roles: primarily as a program manager for Internet Explorer (v1 -> v5.0). Leadership Coaching: Success Is In The Agr. There is often an equal amount of fuzziness when it comes to Leadership Development and Leadership Coaching.

Leadership Coaching: Success Is In The Agr

As a result, the coaching issue can get blurred. Executive Council: Pathways: Leadership Development. Highly interactive community of aspring leaders Pathways is a premier Leadership Development program created for high-potential IT professionals that combines thought leadership, best practices, custom group mentoring and individual coaching in a unique learning environment with unprecedented access to leading CIOs.

Executive Council: Pathways: Leadership Development

The Future-State CIO® Assessment – Chart Your Career Journey Your Pathways journey begins with the Future-State CIO® assessment to identify your strengths and growth opportunities across nine competencies identified by Egon Zehnder International (a talent assessment firm). Your assessment results guide you in creating your roadmap and unique engagement in the Pathways program as an “Emerging, Evolving or Strategic” leader in three key development areas: Business, Leadership and Technology. Leader to Leader Institute Blog. Marshall Goldsmith Library.