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"Les trois révolutions de l'entrepreneur social" Il en est des métiers comme des modes. Certains changent de nom pour s'accorder avec l'air du temps. A l'origine était... l'économie sociale et solidaire (ESS). Le terme regroupait les structures n'ayant pas pour objectif premier le profit. Depuis plus d'un siècle, il s'agissait d'une famille d'acteurs variés des associations aux coopératives en passant par les mutuelles. L'entrée sur scène de ces acteurs est à l'origine d'un glissement de sens remarquable. Le terme "entrepreneur social" intégrait la ruse du publicitaire, le dynamisme du chevalier des temps modernes et la compassion du chevalier des temps anciens.

Derrière la question de vocabulaire se cache une réelle évolution dans la variété des métiers s'offrant aujourd'hui au jeune diplômé. Aujourd'hui, les frontières sont infiniment plus souples. Ainsi est né un nouveau profil: l'entrepreneur social, qui met sa culture de l'efficacité économique au service de l'intérêt général.

Muhammad Yunus: the model social enterprise leader? Is Muhammad Yunus' leadership style a blueprint for social enterprise leaders around the globe? Photograph: David Levene Muhammad Yunus has been in the glare of the media's spotlight for all the wrong reasons over the last two years. The Bangladeshi government's none too subtle attempts to effect a de facto nationalisation of the Grameen Bank fare sadly all too well known. No one knows where it will all end and I fear we are looking at a bad outcome unless there is a change of heart by the Hasina regime. Yunus is no saint, has made mistakes and no doubt will make more. Arguments will continue to rage about the complex impacts of microcredit and the pros and cons of the for-profit and non-profit models.

But his achievement is immense. Bangladesh is a very different place to the UK, where I write this and all social entrepreneurs journeys are unique but there are some leadership lessons we can all take from Yunus as we continue to find ways of creating a socially enterprising world. Courage. 首页 - 多背一公斤. 健康宝宝短信通 |  Healthy Baby SMS - 首页 Home. Gobilab | La nouvelle façon de boire de l'eau. MAMMU. GroAction. Recent Articles Announcing the ‘Incubator’ – Sowing a Seed of Intent By Luke Miller Callahan Alright everyone. I’m excited/nervous about what’s to come. My plan is to bring you along with me as I try to build, with the support of others, a center for local, sustainable, business incubation.

From here out we’ll call it the ‘Incubator’. Concept: Urban Agriculture Incubator – Portland By Luke Miller Callahan The vision of an urban farm incubator here in Portland, Oregon that, once successful, can be replicated in other cities throughout the US and developed world. A Thousand Gardens in Africa – Interview with Slow Food President, Josh Viertel By Luke Miller Callahan Josh Viertel, president of Slow Food USA, joins Luke Callahan to discuss the ambitious initiative, A Thousand Gardens in Africa. People-Centered Economic Development — Business: Localization – Changing capitalism to serve people and planet By Irena Efremovska “What if some businesses were to do things differently? The Edible Bus Stop.