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Commercialization Toolkit - PATH. For the past five years, PATH has worked extensively with developing country small- and medium-sized enterprises and social organizations (such as local nongovernmental organizations or NGOs) to build commercial capacity and create, test, and refine social business models that can have a meaningful impact on important health issues. The Commercialization Toolkit consists of a combination of approaches that were successful in making health products available to low-income households. It illustrates how PATH has helped partners through the commercialization process in several developing countries. The toolkit is organized into eight modules, each covering a different commercial discipline or approach. The contents are presented here to be used by any entity aiming to increase access to products that can help sustain health for low-income households.

The Commercialization Toolkit illustrates how PATH has helped partners through the commercialization process in several developing countries.

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Cause humanitaire cherche internautes généreux. Step 2: What is financial inclusion M. Banker? | Social entrepreneurs go Hollywood: The promise of change in 25 words or less. (It’s pretty hard to change the world, if no one wants to follow your thinking…) Curtis Faith has been asking us all about stories. What is your story? Who is the hero? How will it end? Good questions, because stories provide a powerful framework for spreading ideas. This is especially true if your ideas are different, challenging, and could seen by ordinary folk as a little bit “too newfangled for practical application”. Randy Olson, the scientist-turned-filmmaker, regularly lambastes the academic/science community for getting so caught up in the pointy-headed details that they completely forget how real communication happens.

Also take a look at the work by Alex (Sandy) Petland, the author of Honest Signals. Yet most scientists (and other big idea people) don’t get it. The thing is, if you want to move your idea from the edge into the mainstream, from the future to the present, you have to package it. This is not the same thing as dumbing it down. Hollywood Story: Too corny with a hero? MakeSense dans les inrocks. Les inrockuptibles 14.09.2011 i certains doutent encore de l’utilité desréseaux sociaux, MakeSense pourrait bienles faire changer d’avis. Ce projet, créé pardeux anciens étudiants à l’Ecole de commercemarseillaise Euromed, Christian Vanizette etRomain Raguin, utilise toutes les possibilités duweb 2.0 pour développer le bénévolat auprès d’entreprisessociales. Selon la définition de Muhammad Yunus, le pèredu microcrédit, une entreprise sociale est une sociétéqui agit pour une cause sociale et/ou environnementale,à laquelle elle consacre la totalité de ses bénéfices.Pour fonctionner, elles ont besoin d’argent mais ausside bénévoles qui apportent expérience et compétences.MakeSense propose précisément “de mettre en relationtous ces entrepreneurs sociaux aux quatre coins de la planèteavec des individus qui peuvent les aider en leur donnantdu temps ou des technologies” , explique Christian Vanizette.

Lancé par deux jeunes Français dynamiques, , sourit Christian Vanizette. Bonsense.