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The Rasterbator. Les bases du tricot Les conseils tricot Phildar, points de tricot, apprendre à tricoter. Find and Share Free Sound Effects and Loops. Make Your Regular Mac a NetBoot Server! In this instructable, I'm going to demonstrate to you how to setup your Mac to allow any other Macs on your network to boot from it. Apple actually put all the pieces into the operating system to do this! All you really need to do is set it up. Once this is done, it's automatically turned on and managed by the Operating System... This can be convenient for installing updates, new OS's or performing diagnostics/repairs. My process of accomplishing this will, as often as possible, use the GUI utilities available. Much of it can also be done using command-line instructions, but in my opinion, leaves too much room for errors.

I'm definitely not the first to accomplish this and without the information from others that have, it would have taken me forever to figure out. Also, be sure that you have a license to support any OS or software that you serve to cover all the computers on your network. Eight most useful knots. Do it Yourself .mac v2. How I created my own .mac replacement 2005.07.11 - v2 by Matt Simerson version 1 available here Version 2 is updated for use with Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger). My .mac subscription is 60 days from renewal so I have to ask myself, "how useful is .mac to me? Many of the reasons I don't find .mac useful are the same reasons I encourage others to use .mac.

This is published to help others, but don't expect free support from the author. To understand why I did this, you might want to read about my use of .mac services. : Regardless of whether or not I renew my subscription, I want to retain the features I have found most useful (iDisk, iSync (between computers), iCal sharing, and Backup). : Simply retaining the useful features would be an utter failure. Since most of the the .mac services revolve around the use of of webdav, the first step seems rather obvious: set up a webdav server. The first order of business is to get webdav installed and configured.

Mkdir /home/idisk/html /var/run/webdav Dav on #! Echo.