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I Didn’t Think About You Once Today « abcitsme. I didn’t think about you once today, for the first time since I met you. When I woke up this morning, my first thought was simply that it was too cold to get out of bed; I did not wish that you were there beside me. I went to the closet and got dressed without thinking about whether or not you liked the shirt I was putting on, didn’t think about whether you’d already seen me in the sweater I layered over it.

I skipped breakfast, as I always do, and I didn’t hear your voice chastising me in the back of my head, I just glanced at the clock, grabbed my keys, and shut the door firmly behind me. I didn’t see anyone who reminded me of you on my way to work. At the office, I answered phones, got coffee, checked emails, sorted paperwork, chatted with coworkers, spaced out, got stuff done, all without interruption. As I’m lying here in bed, about to close my eyes and drift off to a place where I will not dream of you, this is when I realise I haven’t thought about you today. Like this: The Worst Craft Idea Ever [Updated] Strangers, again. Louis c. k. on gay marriage. Words. Huehuehue Anti-vaccine logic. English as a second language... *twitch* This is how I proposed to my girlfriend - she said yes! Some stories stay with us forever. Text me when you get home. Don't freak out...

Cartoon-characters07.jpg (400×478) Lost Lovers.