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Running records

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Welcome to Reading Recovery initiative in partnership with the U.S. Department of Education. Reading for a Running Record. Cuing systems: Analyzing reading behaviors - Running records - Ongoing assessment for reading. Cuing systems are the self-extending systems students use to act upon text in order to make sense of it.

Cuing systems: Analyzing reading behaviors - Running records - Ongoing assessment for reading

These systems may be used independently or in conjunction with one another. When you administer running records, you can analyze cuing systems for both errors and self-corrections. What can be confusing when thinking about cuing systems in terms of errors and error analysis is that a teacher must think about what methods the student is using that are positively helping him or her to navigate the text. A teacher should ask, “What is working for this child in this case?” Running records 12: caroline age 7yrs 2 mths reading.