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Qt - Cross-platform application and UI framework. Experience Freedom! The KDE Workspaces. The KDE Workspaces KDE offers an array of different workspaces, each tailored to a different kind of workflow or computing device. Each workspace provides a modern and customizable environment for running your favorite applications and accessing your information wherever it may be. Other common attributes of the KDE workspaces include advanced window management and desktop effects, support for KDE Plasma Widgets, integrated search, hardware management and a high degree of customizability. KDE workspaces are compatible with all applications, including but not limited to those built using the KDE Development Platform. Plasma Desktop Workspace For desktop and laptop computers Plasma Netbook Workspace For devices with small screens like netbooks Widgets everywhere Widgets in the KDE Workspace A key component in the KDE workspaces are the widgets, the basic "building blocks" of the desktop infrastructure.

Flexibility and ease of use at the same time. The Linux Portal -