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Libya 17 TH / 08/03

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Newsnight - Noam Chomsky and Jeremy Paxman's interview in full. Trouble for Libya's oil industry. Libye - 8 mars 2011 - 19ème jour. Libyan Revolution Central. Interview with Libyan opposition. Attack at Benghazi hotel linked to government forces. Libya: On the frontline during the bloody battle for Zawiya. The next morning we heard the rumble of tanks.

Libya: On the frontline during the bloody battle for Zawiya

We couldn't see them coming but we saw the plumes of smoke. The rebels were all desperately tooling up and firing back. They were mostly ordinary people. I saw one young man who looked like a student with curly hair and glasses being told how to hold a rocket-propelled grenade launcher and crouch and fire it. He then ran off to battle. We went inside the mosque where doctors were setting up an aid station.

The tanks were in the square, and there were people crying, because they thought they were finished, and this was the end. But then there was cheering from outside, and we went out and there was a tank on fire right there. People were jumping round, celebrating – but a sniper somewhere killed a man. We made for the hospital, taking a lift in an ambulance. Everyone was out on the street, dancing around the captured military vehicles. There were horrific injuries in the hospital. Alex Crawford is a correspondent for Sky News.

Libyan American Support of the Libyan National Transitional CouncilNational Transitional Council. Mr.

Libyan American Support of the Libyan National Transitional CouncilNational Transitional Council

Refaat Mefrakis, MO Jun 22, 19:01 Just remember the revolution is from Allah. We need to be united. send a green star Name not displayed, BC Apr 28, 19:42 Ms. Apr 27, 20:29 It's long over due to recognize the Transitional National Council as the one and only voice of Libya InshAllah, free Libya. qaddafi has proven by vowing publicly that "rivers of blood will flow" and that if he needs to he "will kill everyone"and following through by continuing to bomb/shell areas like Misrata, Zintan, Yefren, etc. killing well over 10,000 people and many more "disappearing" he has given up his right to be considered the leader of Libya, or if thats not enough you can look at his history. Send a green star Karen Shamsa, WA Apr 05, 22:53 Please acknowledge the voice of the PEOPLE. Send a green star.

12:48am: The rebels rejected the deal as it would mean an “honourable” exit for Col Gaddafi, Reuters. Libye : Kadhafi propose de négocier son départ, les insurgés refusent. Le avec AFP et Reuters | • Mis à jour le Le dirigeant libyen Mouammar Kadhafi a proposé aux insurgés de réunir le Congrès général du peuple, qui fait office de parlement, pour qu'il puisse se retirer avec des garanties, a annoncé lundi 7 mars au soir la chaîne Al Jazira.

Libye : Kadhafi propose de négocier son départ, les insurgés refusent

L'offre, qui a été présentée au conseil intérimaire mis sur pied par l'opposition à Benghazi, a été immédiatement rejetée par les insurgés. Dans la journée, les forces libyennes loyalistes, engagées dans une contre-offensive dans le golfe de Syrte, ont mené des attaques aériennes contre le port pétrolier de Ras Lanouf alors que les efforts s'accélèrent pour tenter de soulager le sort des populations civiles et endiguer leur exode. Les combats se poursuivent à Ras Lanouf Trois raids aériens ont visé lundi le port pétrolier stratégique de Ras Lanouf pris vendredi par l'insurrection, où des insurgés ont répliqué avec de l'artillerie anti-aérienne.

Muammar Gaddafi has offered to insurgents to retire with security, rejected by the insurgents.