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# Libya 17 TH / 03/03

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طفل ضاع اثناء المظاهرات ووجد حي ي. Libyan Doctors for Hospitals in Libya, and a TV Station, too. Libyan Doctors for Hospitals in Libya Twitter @DrsForLibyaLIBYA Al Hurra TV For those who know me, I am Martha Joy Sullivan, for those who have met me in the last two weeks, I am Skillethead from LIBYA Al Hurra TV, and for those who follow me on, I am StepLeftStepForward. Through the amazing efforts of numerous Libyans for a free Libya, and their friends both new and old, I have become a volunteer coordinator in a massive effort to assist the Libyan People in this time of hope and change. I arrived at Mohamed M Nabbous' livestream & chatroom (now: LIBYA Al Hurra TV) shortly after the people had prevailed in the Battle of Benghazi.

There was “Mo” sitting in an undisclosed location in Libya, and there were the people from around the world in the chatroom. Communicating. Without the passion burning inside the people, there would be no revolution. This is a video edited and posted by one of our volunteers, showing conditions in Libyan hospitals: Tahia Free Libya! Broadcast Yourself. Robert Fisk: The historical narrative that lies beneath the Gaddafi rebellion - Robert Fisk, Commentators.

Libyans have always opposed foreign occupiers just as the Algerians and the Egyptians and the Yemenis have done – but their Beloved Leader has always presented himself as a fellow resister rather than a dictator. Hence in his long self-parody of a speech in Tripoli yesterday, he invoked Omar Mukhtar – hanged by Mussolini's colonial army – rather than the patronising tone of a Mubarak or a Ben Ali. And who was he going to free Libya from? Al-Qa'ida, of course. Indeed, at one point in his Green Square address, Gaddafi made a very interesting remark. His Libyan intelligence service, he said, had helped to free al-Qa'ida members from the US prison at Guantanamo in return for a promise that al-Qa'ida would not operate in Libya or attack his regime. But al-Qa'ida betrayed the Libyans, he insisted, and set up "sleeper cells" in the country. And many al-Qa'ida members did come from Libya – hence the frequent nomme de guerre of "al-Libi" which they added as a patronymic.

Nurses asking people to donate blood in Benghazi | Libya: Gaddafi son says bombs were 'misunderstanding' Vidéos publiées par انتفاضة 17 فبراير 2011- لنجعله يوم للغضب في ليبيا : هذا الفيلم الحقيقي الذي يوضح زيف ق. Dutch in Libya: Kadafi loyalists hold three Dutch military personnel - Reporting from London — Three crew members of a Dutch military helicopter have been held since Sunday by forces loyal to Libyan strongman Moammar Kadafi after being prevented from completing an evacuation mission, Dutch defense officials said Thursday.

The three are believed to be the first foreign troops to be held by the Kadafi regime since it began its bloody crackdown against antigovernment protesters, which has drawn international condemnation. The Dutch Defense Ministry said "intensive diplomatic talks" were underway to try to secure the release of the crew, whose identities are not being made public. "We heard that they are being treated well," said Marloes Visser, a spokeswoman for the ministry. "At this moment they're being held by the Libyans, and we're doing everything in our power for a soon and safe release. " But armed Kadafi loyalists prevented the helicopter from taking off from Surt and captured the crew members and the two civilians, the ministry said. Middle East: French and German tourists playing golf amid humanitarian crisis. Gaddafi forces attack Brega. At a Deadly, Shifting Front in Libya: Lynsey Addario Describes the Challenges Faced by Photographers.

Lynsey Addario is in Libya for The New York Times. On Wednesday, she spoke with James Estrin from Benghazi. Their conversation has been edited and condensed into this narrative. It’s been a rough day. From where we are in Benghazi, the opposition sent hundreds of troops — if not more — toward the front line to fight against the government troops.

Tyler Hicks and I went forward. We heard that Brega was back in the hands of the opposition, so we moved forward. We wanted to get to the hospital to see if there were dead, how many and how many wounded. It was pretty scary. Lynsey Addario for The New York TimesSunday: In a Benghazi courthouse, the opposition is setting up its own parallel government, complete with “media center.” I arrived in Libya on Saturday. I find it quite similar to the fall of Saddam. I think everyone wants to move as close as they can to Tripoli. Lynsey Addario for The New York TimesWednesday: Hassan Ahmed Muktar, 41, fought for the regime of Col. Libyan Rebels To Chavez: NO WAY. Channel 4 News: embed player.

EN DIRECT. Libye : l'Europe lance une vaste opération d'évacuation. Libye : une enquête pour "crimes contre l'humanité" Europe avec François Clauss, envoyé spécial d'Europe 1 en Libye, et agences Retrouvez les évènements de jeudi, 17e journée de mobilisation en Libye. Le combat s'est durci en Libye jeudi. La France a envoyé un porte-hélicoptères, le Mistral, qui devrait arriver en Libye en début de semaine prochaine, pour évacuer des ressortissants égyptiens. De son côté, le dirigeant libyen, Mouammar Kadhafi a accepté le plan de médiation internationale proposé par le vénézuélien Hugo Chavez, mais les Etats-Unis rejettent ce projet de médiation. La Cour pénale internationale a annoncé l'ouverture d'une enquête, visant Kadhafi et trois de ses fils, pour crime contre l'humanité.

Retrouvez les évènements de la journée de jeudi ci-dessous : 22h20 : les USA écartent l'offre de Chavez. 21h57 : l'Algérie n'apporte pas son soutien à Moummar Kadhafi. 21h55 : Kadhafi juge "très positive" la proposition de Hugo Chavez. 20h16 : L'opposition retoque la médiation de Chavez. Executive Director Calls For Humanitarian Access To Libya. On the Tunisian border, WFP's Josette Sheeran talks to people who have fled civil unrest in Libya.

(Copyright: WFP) WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran has called for humanitarian access to areas of Libya in need of food assistance after traveling to the Tunisia border on Tuesday to meet local authorities, aid organisations, and people who have fled the ongoing disturbances in Libya. Watch video | Read statement ROME -- WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran has called on the world to step up action to avert a humanitarian disaster on Libya's borders and called for safe humanitarian access to the country itself.

“Standing on the Libya border with tens of thousands fleeing violence I realized that unless the world acts we may be facing an historic human tragedy,” Sheeran said while at the Tunisia-Libya border on Tuesday to meet local authorities, aid organisations, and people who have fled violence in Libya. Safe access "We call for safe humanitarian access, especially to western Libya. ReliefWeb » Document » CICC: Libya - a new task for ICC. The International Criminal Court has much work to do, especially since the landmark decision by the UN Security Council Saturday, to refer the case of Libya to the court.

But how long will it take to prosecute suspects? A conversation with William Pace, Convenor of the Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC), a global coalition of 2,500 NGOs. By Geraldine Coughlan, The Hague Will the ICC have to investigate the situation in Libya now? The referral by the UNSC does not automatically trigger an ICC investigation as the court operates independently of the UN. It will now fall to the prosecutor to analyse the seriousness of the information received and decide if there is a reasonable basis to proceed with an investigation. Who will monitor the progress of this case? In addition and as part of this undertaking, the prosecutor has been invited to address the UNSC within 2 months and every 6 months thereafter on the progress made.

When will the crime of aggression become effective? Nurses held in Libya 'were tortured' Des sms qui interdisent les manifestations sur les gsm libyens - Révolution dans les pays arabes. Par: rédaction 25/02/11 - 14h10 © photo news. © reuters. Les citoyens libyens ont reçu sur leur gsm des messages qui interdisaient de manifester contre leur leader Mouammar Kadhafi, rapporte vendredi le journal Libya al-Youm. Dans d'autres messages, les Libyens ont également reçu l'interdiction de regarder les chaînes satelittaires "comme al-Jazira, qui répand des rumeurs et qui incite les gens à faire couler le sang des musulmans". Un habitant témoigne avoir reçu un sms demandant au peuple de reprendre sa vie normale et d'aller travailler.

Selon la BBC, la télévision d'état libyenne diffuse des interviews de partisans de Kadhafi. Speak Tweet for Libya +16504194196; +390662207294; +442033184514. Libya crisis: photo selection. #OpLibya : Google launches 'Speak to Tweet' service in Libya ! ~ The Hackers News. Big internet company from the United States, Google, appeared to be a mouthpiece for the people of Libya. Google ever did it during the regime of President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak cut off internet connection.

Now, Libya under the power of President Muammar al-Gaddafi also blocked Internet services, including social networking site Twitter. So, Google took the initiative to launch the service of speak to tweet for the people of Libya.The service allows Libyan people to preach the information about the situation in the country to the outside world. They only need to call the phone numbers provided by Google.