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The Literacy Shed - The Literacy Shed Home. Six-Word Memoirs at SMITH Magazine. WritingFix: prompts, lessons, and resources for writing classrooms. Rhyming Poetry: DOs, DON’Ts, And DEFINITIONS. Editors hate rhyming poetry. Or do they? Rhyme has become something of a sore subject in the world of contemporary poetry, but to many poetry editors, there’s good reason for the shift. A number of writers who work in rhyme have yet to distinguish between the nursery rhymes of childhood and more adult types of verse. Recollections of the fun, frilly words that cheered and delighted us as children may be the reason editors tend to avoid rhyming poems. If we are to write rhyming poetry that transcends childhood nursery rhymes, we must understand the importance of alliteration, assonance, and consonance and what they can bring to our work.

These elements of rhyme become useful tools when used effectively. Rhyme does not have to be an ABAB rhyme scheme. I went to the store To buy some milk But I found something more A scarf of silk. In the example above, store/more and milk/silk are examples of perfect rhyme (when the words sound the same because of the last syllable). Character Sketch Template.