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Les liens de la semaine du 11 juillet

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‘Dissidents’ in Facebook threat to shoot youths. By Patrice Dougan – 09 July 2011 The Facebook page has posted photographs and names of north Belfast youths, calling them “scum” and threatening to shoot them. It makes a number of allegations about young men in the Ardoyne area, branding them thieves and burglars. And the web page has already gathered a number of followers – with 148 people listed as ‘friends’. The latest post under the status of the person claiming to be Oglaigh na hEireann names three young men, calling them “houserobbers”, and adding: “You'se all need took out and shot SCUM.”

The post, made earlier this week, has garnered almost 30 responses. Among them one of the men listed in the accusation. He hit back at the people behind the page, saying: “If ya need da shot me come on i have been told to many time's.” In a later comment he wrote: “They call them self the ra there is no such thing it was time to change many years ago and thing’s are going smooth atm.” He managed to escape out an upstairs window. Comment bricolons-nous le numérique. Par Hubert Guillaud le 05/07/11 | 7 commentaires | 3,056 lectures | Impression La technologie est sensée nous rendre la vie plus facile, mais les pires frustrations de nos contemporains sont dues aux nouvelles technologies qui peuplent nos maisons, estime Philip Ely, doctorant au Centre de recherche sur le monde numérique de l’université du Surrey.

Pour affirmer cela le chercheur a étudié, à la manière d’un ethnographe, comment les gens vivent leurs relations aux technologies domestiques qui nous entourent, comment ils configurent et reconfigurent leurs pratiques à l’aune du fonctionnement des objets sociotechniques qu’ils utilisent (voir notamment sa contribution dans le livre New Media Technologies and User Empowerment du programme européen Participation in Broadband Society qui se tenait en 2009). Pour évoquer cette écologie technologico-domestique de nos pratiques, Philip Ely parle de “bricolage numérique” (Do It Yourself digital), explique le Guardian. On achève bien les agences photo. Après Sygma et Gamma, c'est au tour de l'agence Sipa Press d'être rachetée. Les deux tiers des photographes passent à la trappe. Tout un symbole. L’annonce a été officialisée la semaine dernière : l’agence photo Sipa Press est sur le point d’être vendue à une agence allemande, DAPD, au prix de 34 licenciements sur les 92 salariés, dont 16 des 24 photographes, d’après Le Monde.

Une véritable saignée à blanc, où l’activité de photojournalisme d’une des dernières prestigieuses agences survivantes est sacrifiée. À terme, toujours d’après le quotidien, l’agence DAPD (deuxième agence de presse outre-Rhin), contrôlée par un fonds d’investissement, vise à transformer Sipa en agence filaire généraliste, donc en concurrence directe avec l’AFP et autres Reuters. L’annonce est loin d’être anecdotique, et révèle une fois encore l’évolution (la disparition annoncée ?) La dégringolade pour Sipa Presse avait commencé en 2001. Concurrence des agences filaires Tentatives de virages numériques blentley et. Ten ways journalists can use Google+ Since Google+ (plus) was launched a week ago those who have managed to get invites to the latest social network have been testing out circles, streams and trying to work out how it fits alongside Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Here are 10 ways Google+ can be used for building contacts, news gathering and sharing: 1. As “a Facebook for your tweeps” This is how Allan Donald has described Google+ in an update. And it is pretty good way of understanding it. A week on from its launch and it seems you are more likely to add and be added by Twitter contacts, many of whom you have never met, than Facebook friends or even LinkedIn contacts. 2. As the Google+1 button takes off and your contacts recommend articles (Google +1 is like Facebook’s like button), you can keep track of what they like by taking a look at what they are +1ing and use it like a bookmarking service to flag up articles to read later. 3.

If you signed up to Google Buzz, you will find tweets are included in your profile. 4. 5. 6. Which TV Shows Were the Most Social in June? [INFOGRAPHIC] Realtime social media tracker Trendrr has released an infographic detailing the biggest winners in the social TV space in June 2011. Culling data from the social TV index, the graphic breaks down the top broadcast, cable networks and TV shows, based on social interaction. From a programming standpoint, the two big winners in June 2011 were NBC's The Voice and the BET Awards. The BET Awards drew 1.4 million social impressions, which helped it rank first in cable programming and helped BET rank as the most social cable network.

Likewise, NBC's big hit, The Voice, was not only the most social show on broadcast TV, it helped NBC maintain a sizable lead over other broadcast networks in terms of social engagement. This is an example of programming with a decidedly social bent performing well on social networks. Impartiality: The Foxification of news. The inverted pyramid of data journalism. I’ve been working for some time on picking apart the many processes which make up what we call data journalism. Indeed, if you read the chapter on data journalism (blogged draft) in my Online Journalism Handbook, or seen me speak on the subject, you’ll have seen my previous diagram that tries to explain those processes.

I’ve now revised that considerably, and what I’ve come up with bears some explanation. I’ve cheekily called it the inverted pyramid of data journalism, partly because it begins with a large amount of information which becomes increasingly focused as you drill down into it until you reach the point of communicating the results. What’s more, I’ve also sketched out a second diagram that breaks down how data journalism stories are communicated – an area which I think has so far not been very widely explored. But that’s for a future post. I’m hoping this will be helpful to those trying to get to grips with data, whether as journalists, developers or designers. Compile Clean. L'avenir de LCI en question.

TF1 considère que, si aucune solution n'est trouvée pour remédier à la défaillance de Canal+ qui ne financera plus LCI et si le CSA refuse une diffusion gratuite, il faudra malheureusement en tirer les conséquences sur le plan social. Canal+ a pris la décision irrévocable de ne plus financer LCI à hauteur de 15 millions d'euros dont le budget est de 42 millions d'euros. « À l'heure où l'information est totalement gratuite, cela n'aurait aucun sens que nous continuions à payer des abonnements payants pour proposer cette chaîne à nos clients, précise-t-on. I-télé, BFMTV, Euronews, France 24 sont diffusées gratuitement , LCI est la seule télévision à faire encore exception dans le paysage français. » Averti de cette situation qui verra Canal+ cesser de verser la moindre contribution le 31 décembre prochain, TF1 a lancé des pourparlers et un appel d'offres pour opérer un transfert de la chaîne sur la Toile.

LCI ne répond pas encore à cette spécificité . Nouveaux investissements et réduction d'effectifs en vue au "Parisien"