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Hackers attack Iranian government websites | Politics. Azerbaijan , Baku, Feb. 18 /Trend T.Konyayeva/ Attacks of an anonymous group of hackers on Iranian government websites at the Foreign Ministry, the Organization of Atomic Energy, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization have caused many of these websites to become inaccessible by their visitors for more than a day, a source close to this anonymous group told, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran's official statement reported. The semi-official Fars News Agency, close to the Revolutionary Guards, was also inaccessible for hours, but the group has not taken responsibility. According to the said source, the Foreign Ministry's website stopped operation for more than a day. Even the Supreme Leader's website and the Iranian President's website faced disrupted service for several hours after they were attacked by the group. The official Iranian Parliament website also faced service disruption through DDoS attacks.

Do you have any feedback? Anonymous and the global correction. The tendency to relate past events to what is possible in the present becomes more difficult as the scope of the geopolitical environment changes. It is a useful thing, then, to ask every once in a while if the environment has recently undergone any particular severe changes, thereby expanding our options for the future. Terminology, let alone our means of exchanging information, has changed to such a degree that many essential discussions in today's "communications age" would be entirely incomprehensible to many two decades ago.

As the social, political and technological environment has developed, some have already begun to explore new options, seizing new chances for digital activism - and more will soon join in. It is time for the rest of the world to understand why. Service denied Already, such organisations are being established across Tunisia, just as they will be established elsewhere as the movement proceeds. The seeds of cyber revolution For great justice. Anon & Anthropology of Hacking. Anonymous is not a force to be reckoned with. Scientologists have felt their wrath for sometime, Sarah Palin did as well, as have MasterCard & Visa post-Wikileaks fiasco.

I’m sure Aaron Barr is now realizing the impact Anon has. Aaron Barr is head of an internet security company, HBGary Federal. His company was contracted by Bank of America as a counter Wikileaks impending release of cables that will incriminate BofA. Anon vs. Scientology Ars Technica has written up a 3 page account of the situation, which is absolutely fascinating.

His problems started here. What ended up completely backfired on Aaron. This leads me to a open up a discussion regarding the Anthropology of Hackers, a timely piece that appeared in the Atlantic yesterday by NYU’s Gabriella Coleman. Week Eleven: Anarchism and the Politically Minded HackerMany hackers express some degree of ambivalence over the politics of hacking as Patrice Riemens has argued and as hackers themselves have raised. “We are Anonymous. Cyber Self Defence – Techniques For Avoiding Surveillance And The Censor » internet surveillance, vietnam, internet, china internet, censorship, burma » RFA Unplugged. Anonymous' Target Planned to "Take Down" WikiLeaks. Careful, we're entering some really crazy conspiracy level stuff here. Get ready to jump down the rabbit hole with me. When hacker amalgam Anonymous attacked the computer security firm HBGary as most of the country was busy watching heavy-set men play with a leather ball, you could assume that it was retaliation for the recent crack down on its membership by the FBI and Scotland Yard .

But as we've had more time to digest the 60,000+ HBGary emails that Anonymous posted online as a big f**k you, it seems that the data intelligence firm proposed to engage in some social engineering and subterfuge of its own to "take down" WikiLeaks. Anonymous might be a hero. The hacker group has made clear its support of Julian Assange's initiative, and Anonymous made headlines last year by DDoS attacking, Bank of America, PayPal and any other entity or website that appeared to wrong WikiLeaks. Thanks to Anonymous, you can find a pdf of the entire presentation on WikiLeaks here. The Anatomy of Anonymous – An Analysis Of Probable Future Actions | Through the Looking Glass. The Anatomy of Anonymous - image courtesy of Ralf Roletschek and Mattbuck To understand a problem, you have to analyze it’s anatomy. Let’s look at what we’ve learned about Anonymous so far.

Known Facts About Anonymous What do we know about Anonymous? Anonymous doesn’t exist.Anonymous has no members.Anonymous has no location.Anonymous has no leadership.Anonymous has no income.Anonymous is everywhere. In other words I don’t know a damned thing. But seriously, Osama bin Laden must be totally furious, if he’s still alive. The question is, where is Anonymous going next? It appears that Palantir Technologies has probably removed itself from the target list, with an apology to Glenn Greenwald and Think Progress. However the U.S. Bank of America is another likely target. The Federal Bureau of Investigation may be targeted. And it sounds like Anonymous is going to encourage leaks through Anonleaks. Yes, this all looks rather disorganized. Still it’s amusing. Statue of Anonymus or Bele Regis Notarius. We Are Anonymous. Ils ont lancé des attaques contre les sites financiers qui avaient tenté d’étrangler Wikileaks.

Ils auraient aidé les manifestants tunisiens anti Ben Ali. On ne les a pas encore vraiment rencontrés en Egypte, où l’Internet, il est vrai, a été coupé. Qui sont les “Anonymous”, vengeurs masqués du Net ? Sont-ils coordonnnés ? Ont-ils un chef ? Pour tenter de rassembler tout ce que l’on peut savoir sur le sujet, nous avons invité Gwendal Delcros, expert chez Lexsi, société de sécurité informatique, Damien Leloup, journaliste au, site qui suit en direct les manifestations en Egypte, et Guillaume Champeau fondateur du site Numerama., qui avait tenté une interview collective d’Anonymous.

L’émission est proposée par Daniel Schneidermann, préparée par Dan Israel et déco-réalisée par François Rose. @si, Anonymus, Damien Leloup, Égypte, Guillaume Champeau, Gwendal Delcros, internet, Le, Numerama, Scientologie, Tunisie, web, WikiLeaks. Palantir confirme son plan anti-Wikileaks mais le condamne. Firm hacked by ‘Anonymous’ plotted against WikiLeaks on bank’s behalf: report | Raw Story. By Eric W. DolanWednesday, February 9, 2011 13:33 EDT The data intelligence firm Palantir Technologies apologized Thursday for its involvement in developing a proposal to Bank of America to attack secrets outlet WikiLeaks. Two other data intelligence firms, HBGary Federal and Berico Technologies, helped to concoct a plan for a coordinated cyber assault against the website.

“I have directed the company to sever any and all contacts with HB Gary,” Co-Founder and CEO of Palantir Alex Karp said in a statement. “Palantir Technologies provides a software analytic platform for the analysis of data,” he continued. The plan was revealed after members of “Anonymous” hacked the email account of HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr and published its contents to the web. “The right to free speech and the right to privacy are critical to a flourishing democracy,” Karp’s statement added. Original story continues below. “Do I regret it now? A copy of the companies’ report is available here (pdf file).

Eric W. Hackers Target Gene Simmons Websites After Panel Comments. Anonymous trains sights on Yemen after Egypt | Raw Story. By Agence France-PresseFriday, February 4, 2011 8:21 EDT WASHINGTON – The loose-knit group of online global hackers known as “Anonymous” has trained its sights on Yemen following cyber attacks on government websites in Tunisia and Egypt. The website of Yemen President Ali Abdullah Saleh,, was inaccessible on Thursday following calls by Anonymous members for attacks on the site. Luis Corrons, the technical director at PandaLabs, the malware detection laboratory for computer security firm Panda Security, said Anonymous members “feel that somehow they have to support the people in those countries.” “It is a worldwide thing,” Corrons told AFP. “They think the goal is obtaining freedom for those countries.”

Valleywag, a Silicon Valley blog owned by the Gawker network, said the cyber attacks on official Yemen government websites had been dubbed “Operation Yemen” in Anonymous chat rooms. “Welcome back to the Internet #Egypt. Agence France-Presse. Quand Wikileaks affole les oligarchies. (Wikimedia Commons - Anonymous Editor - cc) Jeudi dernier, le FBI a arrêté un auvergnat de 15 ans, soupçonné être un membre actif du collectif Internet Anonymous. Et de fait, depuis qu’il est entré dans la lumière en décembre dernier, ce rassemblement informel mais très créatif d’internautes du monde entier n’en finit plus d’agacer tous ceux qui se mettent sur le chemin de la liberté d’expression : secte, gouvernement autoritaire ou multinationale.Le 8 décembre dernier, alors que Julian Assange est en prison, le collectif Anonymous envoie sur Twitter un message à tous ceux qui suivent l’actualité - qui suivent le fil - de WikiLeaks.

Par l’intermédiaire d’un programme simple gratuit sur Internet, il propose tout à chacun de participer à une attaque en règle contre les fournisseurs de WikiLeaks, comme Amazon, Visa et Mastercards qui viennent de lâcher leur client. Les sites des entreprises citées sont indisponibles pendant plusieurs heures : c’est l’opération Payback. Du même auteur. “Bonjour, vous avez demandé les Anonymous” » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Tandis que l'attention des médias se concentre sur un adolescent français soupçonné de diriger les Anonymous, ceux-ci continuent de s'organiser en Tunisie et en Egypte. Et si on rétablissait quelques vérités au lieu d'agiter les bras? “Petit génie du web”, “soupçonné d’avoir participé à une cyberattaque internationale”, “passionné par l’informatique depuis qu’il a 6 ans”, et même “cerveau des vengeurs de WikiLeaks”.

Depuis quelques jours, la presse s’emballe autour du cas d’un adolescent auvergnat de 15 ans, entendu par la police il y a six semaines à propos de son rôle dans la réponse pro-WikiLeaks: au mois de décembre, alors que plusieurs organismes bancaires tels que Visa ou MasterCard avaient décidé de couper l’approvisionnement du site de Julian Assange, les Anonymous avaient massivement riposté en lançant une série d’attaques par déni de service (DDoS), paralysant les sites des entreprises incriminées. Ca vous rappelle quelque chose? “Certains contrôlent l’infrastructure” Une attaque informatique est-elle une forme de manifestation ? Anonymous menace le gouvernement égyptien 

Anonymous Egypt and Algeria operations show a complex cyber-movement. “Our assessment is that the Egyptian government is stable and is looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people.” Hillary Clinton, January 25, Washington “When asked about the revolt in Egypt, 72% of american adults agreed that they should overthrow the current Pharaoh.” Anonymous member, #opegypt IRC, January 26, Secretary Clinton received plenty of criticism for her statements about Egypt. That was unsurprising, given they were exactly the sort of statements you’d expect from a US administration worried one of its most reliable client regimes was facing the start of the sort of rolling series of protests that brought down another faithful US ally, Tunisia’s Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Even when the State Department later offered a slightly less pro-Mubarak view — “the United States supports the fundamental right of expression and assembly for all people. Egyptian web administrators have put up a much greater fight. Hackers vengeurs et espions en diligence | Presseurop – français. Pour le célèbre romancier et intellectuel Umberto Eco, l'affaire WikiLeaks ou "Cablegate" souligne l'hypocrisie qui régit les rapport entre les Etats, les citoyens et la presse et préfigure un retour vers des méthodes archaïques de communication. L'affaire WikiLeaks a une double valeur. D'un côté, elle se révèle un scandale apparent, un scandale qui n'apparaît comme tel que devant l'hypocrisie qui régit les rapports entre les Etats, les citoyens et la presse.

De l'autre, elle annonce de profonds changements au niveau international, et préfigure un futur dominé par la régression. Mais procédons par ordre. C'est le mécanisme du succès de Dan Brown. Toutefois, le fait de le répéter publiquement viole le devoir d'hypocrisie, et sert à placer sous une mauvaise lumière la diplomatie américaine. Quelles seront les conséquences de cette blessure infligée à un pouvoir très puissant ? WikiLeaks : la pression monte, la résistance s'organise. Wikileaks se démultiplie En plus de (nom de domaine déposé par le Parti Pirate suisse), le site utilise désormais les extensions suivantes « .at » « .de », « .eu », « .fi » et « .pl » hébergées en France par OVH ainsi que les extensions « .cc » et « .nl » hébergées en Suède par Bahnhof.

Parallèlement, des internautes se mobilisent pour monter des sites miroir afin de faire échec à toute tentative de faire disparaître Wikileaks. Tout au long du weekend, leur nombre n’a fait que croitre. Dimanche soir, Wikileaks annonçait 208 sites miroir « résistants officiels à la censure » localisés principalement en Allemagne, en Angleterre, Canada, aux États-Unis, en Suède et en France. Dans l’hexagone, la majorité des miroirs sont mis en place par des usagers de Free. Sur Twitter, le hashtag #imwikileaks relaie la contestation des internautes. La Bibliothèque du Congrès américain bloque l’accès à Wikileaks Paypal bloque le compte Wikileaks Une coalition pour arrêter Julian Assange ? Sous le feu de hackers, Wikileaks se réfugie dans le cloud d’Amazon. 10 Lessons for Gov 2.0 from Web 2.0.

What is Web 2.0? In 2005, it meant geeks embracing a set of principles and practices: using the web as a platform, harnessing collective intelligence, data is the new “Intel inside,” and others. By 2010, many of the dominant companies and services that embody or fuel Web 2.0 have become global brands: Google, Craigslist, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and a host of new mobile communities or platforms. These companies are often defined by what they allow users to do: upload pictures or video, stay connected to friends, track and discover news, save bookmarks, create communities, etc. For non-geeks, Web 2.0 meant the online world became a place you could publish and participate. It became about everyone with an Internet connection exploring an interactive web. Instead of static brochureware, the web became a read/write medium, with a social layer that accelerated quickly.

In that vein, Gov 2.0 is not defined by social media any more than Web 2.0 is. So what does Web 2.0 mean to Gov 2.0? "The Jester", le hacker patriote qui aurait piraté Wikileaks. Montage réalisé à partir de l’avatar du compte @th3J3st3r sur Twitter On ne sait rien de lui, si ce n’est qu’il aurait servi en Afghanistan comme soldat, peut-être dans une unité spéciale, mais qu’il serait désormais à la retraite. La fluidité de son écriture en anglais et son vocabulaire laissent penser qu’il est Américain. « The Jester » (« bouffon ») tient à garder son identité secrète et pour cause, ses agissements peuvent lui coûter la vie. Il se décrit aux rares personnes qui ont pu échanger des e-mails avec lui comme un « hacktiviste au service du bien », un justicier du Web qui mène une guérilla virtuelle contre les ennemis des Etats-Unis.

Fin novembre, il se faisait remarquer en revendiquant le piratage du site WikiLeaks, alors que la mise en ligne de quelques 250 000 télégrammes diplomatiques confidentiels par le site de divulgation de secrets plongeait la diplomatie américaine dans la panique. « Th3 j35t3r », représentant d’une nouvelle génération de « hackers » La panne de WikiLeaks revendiquée. Les soutiens de WikiLeaks contre-attaquent sur le web. Anonymous Attacks Swiss Bank After Assange's Account Closed.

La guerre de l'information n'est pas la cyberguerre - Owni. WikiLeaks : LOIC, l'outil clé en main de l'"Opération riposte" Les Anonymous promettent de s'attaquer au gouvernement Algérien. Anonymous s'attaque maintenant à une entreprise de sécurité américaine - Actualités Techno - Sécurité.