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Why Google Apps is a Serious Threat to Microsoft Office - ReadWriteWeb. This is the perspective of a “skeptical, later early adopter”; the sort of person who Microsoft needs to retain and should have been able to retain easily. I don’t spend time on productivity tools that may at some date make me more productive, but which today are just a frustrating time sink. That describes the majority of people. MS Office can be annoying, but it does work. So any serious alternative has to offer a significant advantage and at the same time make adoption a total breeze. I think Google Apps has reached that point. The significant advantage is collaboration. Since I started working on a new project where we all agreed to use Google Docs from the start, I have hardly used MS Office at all - even on other projects.

The lead product in Google Apps for me is their word processing product - i.e. the MS Word alternative. Google was very smart to take a loosely coupled approach. The one big missing piece has been offline access. They can clearly also insert ads in Docs. Five Methodologies to Deal with Email Overload - ReadWriteWeb. These days, it seems everyone has an opinion about how to deal with information overload, especially when it comes to email management. There are numerous methodologies, best practices, tips, and tutorials available, but are any of them really effective? We'll explore that question as we delve into the top five email management methodologies. The Methods The GTD Method: GTD, or "Getting it Done," methodology arose from David Allen's popular and ground-breaking work-life management system.

Implement It: Due to GTD's popularity, there are now several software tools to choose from. One of the more popular tools, boasting 80,000 users, is the GTDInbox Firefox extension for Gmail. The 4-Hour Workweek Method: Timothy Ferriss also released a popular book which offered the blueprint to how you could eliminate most of your workload and outsource your life in order to regain more personal time ("mini-retirements," as he called it).

A web site called can help you implement this. No protection for company e-mails used for consultation with personal attorney.