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Another evolutionary step for albums as Lady Gaga plans app release. Bitcoin bank CircleOctober 7, 2014 | 4:40 pm In late September, the startup Circle launched a web app that effectively functions as a bitcoin bank. Using a debit card or bank account, users transfer funds to Circle, which converts the money to bitcoin at no fee. Circle also insures this money at no cost. The company aims to make bitcoin more accessible via consumer-friendly design and is aiming to take on traditional banks and companies like PayPal, as The Guardian reports. Next up: Android and iOS Circle apps.Circle co-founder Jeremy Allaire gave a keynote at the Inside Bitcoins conference in April, citing the need for a “killer app” to bring bitcoin into the mainstream. Now Circle seems to be taking the lead, and others are sure to follow. One of our Things to Watch in 2014, beacons have been popping up everywhere from airports to restaurants to museums.

Lady Gaga lance le réseau social des stars. 5 Things Lady Gaga Can Teach Marketers About Community Building. What do Lady Gaga and direct-to-consumer marketing have in common? The answer is a lot. Building communities all starts with finding a common thread that brings people together. Experiences help define or typify what a community is all about. A community can be extremely close knit, yet very different when looked at on an individual level. But the commonality is that every community has a soul, and to tap into its soul in a meaningful way unlocks all its secrets.

Before joining experiential marketing agency MKTG INC as their Executive Creative Director two years ago, I worked extensively in the music industry. I worked for five years at Island DefJam, a label that has a wide-ranging artist roster covering everything from hip-hop to R&B to country. These artists applied this unspoken value for community to their fans as well. That's how these music artists carefully cultivated strong communities of fans that felt cared for--because they were.

Target like-minded individuals. Pourquoi Lady Gaga lance son propre réseau social privatif ? Par Alain Garnier, CEO de Jamespot. On apprend dans le très sérieux Figaro, mais aussi sur Europe1 que Lady Gaga, chanteuse mondialement connue, va lancer son propre réseau social. Bigre. Quelle mouche a piqué la Gaga ? Elle n’a pas assez de ses 38 millions de FANS dans Facebook ? L’histoire raconte que c’est en discutant avec Steve Jobs, cofondateur d’Apple qu’elle a eu l’idée de développer son propre réseau social, dédié à la musique et au sport.

Mais qu’importe, le story telling. Que nous apprend ce coup de marketing business de la Gaga ? Donc, en bonne « anticipatrice », elle a décidé de ramener ce troupeau chez elle. Rappelons nous ce qui est arrivé pour les sites Web. Autant d’un point de vue artistiques que financier, le réseau social privatif est à terme la solution qui permet à l’artiste de se créer un univers à lui, propre, qu’il contrôle. Car c’est là où vous imaginez bien que tout cela ne se fait pas pour la gloire. Prenez une longueur d’avance. Like this: J'aime chargement… Lady Gaga, The Web Social Monster - Web 1,2,3 - ElectronLibre. Lady Gaga a investi avec Eric Schmidt, ancien CEO de Google, dans une start-up spécialisée dans les réseaux sociaux. La Gaga veut inventer le futur de l’artiste, en même temps que celui du réseau. Déjantée, populaire et excentrique, l’icône de cette décennie, Lady Gaga, est partout.

Depuis la sortie de « The Fame » en 2008, la chanteuse est devenue une des célébrités les plus présentes dans les médias traditionnels, mais aussi et surtout, elle a été couronnée reine du Web social. Derrière les kilos de faux cils et les tenues outrancières se cache une âme de businesswoman qui se confirme avec l’investissement récent dans une start-up mêlant réseau social et entertainment, The Backplane. Mother Monster, comme elle aime à se faire appeler par ses adorateurs, est-elle le modèle d’une nouvelle génération d’artistes surconnectés ? The Backplane Un business plan social Partenaire particulière L’homme derrière cette stratégie inédite d’interaction avec les fans est son manager, Troy Carter. Lady Gaga va créer un réseau social. La star des réseaux sociaux (plus de 10 millions d'abonnés à son compte Twitter, 37 millions de fans sur Facebook) s'apprête à transformer en business cette particularité. Associée à son manager, elle a levé plus d'1 million de dollars, notamment auprès de Tomorrow Ventures, le fonds de capital-risque du président de Google Eric Schmidt, pour lancer un réseau social pour les people.

Baptisé Backplane, il tournera autour de la musique et intègrera les flux de Facebook et Twitter. Lady Gaga, qui détiendrait 20% de l'entreprise, est loin d'être novice dans le monde des réseaux sociaux et de l'internet, qu'elle utilise abondamment pour sa promotion. Elle a customisé le célèbre jeu sur Facebook Farmville, lors de la sortie de son album Born This Way, pour créer son Gagaville. Lady Judas (Lady Gaga vs Judas Priest Mashup by Wax Audio)‬‏ Culturevisuelle. Lady Gaga, la Boss. L'Enlèvement n'a pas eu lieu comme prévu le 21 mai, mais le nouvel album de Lady Gaga est arrivé, traînant avec lui suffisamment de bruit et de fureur pour plaire à l'eschatologiste le plus pointilleux.

Born This Way est une pop tumultueuse de fin des temps: des rythmes triturés, des refrains colossaux, des solos de guitare glam et stridents, des crescendos descendus tout droit d'une revue de Broadway. Ces dernières années, il y a clairement eu un redimensionnement de la pop et tout le monde, du rock indé au dirty south, s'est mis à faire de la musique à une échelle plus vaste et symphonique. Mais Gaga a voulu tous les surpasser, sortir un disque encore plus énorme, plus emphatique, et férocement plus camp que personne d'autre. C'est une chose de titrer une ballade «The Edge of Glory» [le bord de la gloire] – et s'époumoner d'être «suspendue à un moment de vérité» et de «danser dans les flammes», le tout dans des accords les plus tempétueux possibles. publicité Expérience scientifique. After Lady Gaga's Amazon Success, Should All Albums Cost 99 Cents?

Last week, Lady Gaga's new album Born This Way sold a monstrous (by today's standards, anyway) 1.15 million copies. That platinum status came partially thanks to Amazon, which offered her album for a dirt-cheap 99 cents, and, after its servers crashed from demand, sold roughly 440,000 digital copies. Undoubtedly, what consumers love more than a Lady Gaga album is a Lady Gaga album that only costs 99 cents. Does this give credence to a theory that says albums, like singles, should only cost a buck? According to Rob Dickens, who headed up Warner Music in the U.K. for more than a decade, album prices ought to be "radically" cut--to around £1 ($1.50). Now Gaga herself is throwing more fuel on that argument. "It’s invisible. Still, as Gaga pointed out, her album wasn't actually 99 cents--the sales price was supplemented by Amazon. Gaga's massive first-week sales, however, suggest there is still room for album sales--if the artist is popular enough.

@fastcompany [Image: Flickr user Thomas Hawk] GagaVille: Lady Gaga goes to FarmVille. Five more video games Lady Gaga should be in. The costumes? The theatrics? The fantastical storylines? We say "Farmville" should be just the beginning for Lady Gaga. "GagaVille" is not enough -- we've got five more video-game ideas for Lady Gaga Many would enjoy flinging Gaga through the air at narrow-minded pigs in "Angry Birds" She could replace the calculating GlaDOS in "Portal" or don Samus' armor in "Metroid" "GagaVille," an offshoot of "FarmVille," will debut on May 17 (CNN) -- The news that Lady Gaga has inspired an online game, "GagaVille," has got us thinking: Let's face it -- Gaga already sort of is a video game character. The flashy costumes. I mean, check out this dialogue from the extended"Born This Way" video: "This is the manifesto of Mother Monster.

That sounds to us like it could be the interstitial chat from a fantasy role-playing game or futuristic first-person shooter. Love her or hate her, you have to admit that it was just a matter of time before Gaga made her way into the video-game world. 1. 2. Close enough. How Miracle Whip, Plenty of Fish Tap Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' | News. Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' Video: A Pop-Culture Cheat Sheet. As soon as Lady Gaga's epic "Telephone" video premiered, her ultra-obsessive fans (not to mention even the most casual of pop-culture observers) began picking it apart, frame by frame. It was a pretty big job. Because while it's a feast for the eyes, "Telephone" is also a sort of "all-you-can-eat" buffet for those who dine almost exclusively on popular culture, full of nods to cult films and comics, eclectic icons, underground bands and internationally famous pop legends, and even the occasional commercial (there are an awful lot of not-too-discreet product placements sprinkled throughout).

Sorting through it all is a head-spinning experience, which is why we've done all the dirty work for you. Here — after hours spent analyzing each second of the clip until our eyeballs frizzled in our skulls — is our pop-culture cheat sheet for Lady Gaga's "Telephone" video, alphabetized and cross-referenced for your convenience. "Caged Heat": Prototypical chicks-in-prison flick. Lady Gaga's "Telephone" - Observations and Discussion! Has Not Banned Lady Gaga's 'Telephone' Video. In the wake of reports that surfaced over the weekend claiming that MTV had banned Lady Gaga's nearly 10-minute-long video for "Telephone," a spokesperson for the channel clarified the situation on Monday (March 15).

"MTV did not ban Lady Gaga and Beyoncé's 'Telephone' video — in fact, we premiered it on Friday, March 12, on-air and , two days before this story was falsely reported," said MTV Executive Vice President of Music and Talent Amy Doyle. "Fans can continue to catch the video as we repeat it on-air and online. " Music videos generally air on MTV weekdays between 3 a.m. and 10 a.m.

The rumor appears to have begun with a segment that aired on CNN on Sunday in which reporters Fredricka Whitfield and Jacqui Jeras discuss the video — which at press time has been viewed more than 14 million times on YouTube since its release late Thursday — and say that MTV had banned the clip. The "Telephone" video went live on at 12:30 a.m. on Friday, an hour after it premiered on E! Haus of Gaga. The Haus of Gaga is the name used by Lady Gaga to describe her behind-the-scenes creative team. The name is inspired by the German "Bauhaus" which she told in an interview in Germany and a play on the word "House" used by famous fashion brands.

This should not be confused with House of Gaga Publishing, the publishing company for her music, which is managed by her father, Joe Germanotta. Background Inspired by Andy Warhol's Factory, the Haus is a collective who works on various projects for Lady Gaga. These projects include clothing, stage sets, props (Disco Stick, iPod LCD Glasses, etc.), sounds for her live performance. In her own words: "It’s my creative team and it was really organic. Lady Gaga explaining the process: Members Creative Dancers Band Keyboard — Brockett Parsons (2010—Present) Drums — George "Spanky" McCurdy (2010—Present) Bass — Lanar “Kern” Brantley (2010—Present) Guitar — Ricky Tillo (2010—Present) Guitar — Tim Steward (2012-Present) Management Dogs Creations Media Dancers R.

Lady Gaga | Judas. Lady Gaga (ladygaga) sur Twitter. Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga and Social Media | The Social Robot. As her new video Telephone’s success suggests- over 7 million views in 3 days. A week later, a Google search for telephone shows the 375+ articles about the video before even a description of the communications device. Whether one loves her or hates her, they have to admit, she gets attention. If there is someone out there who shows the potential of the union of social media and celebrity, it is Lady Gaga.

She is the steward of her own social media destiny, retaining control of her image and her communications with her audience directly. Perhaps because she came to fame “the old fashioned way” instead of through the springboards of American Idol or The Disney Channel she is a rarity among pop stars one that had to manage her own fan list from day one and probably once sent out her own monthly newsletter. “I swear tonight didn’t feel like an arena. Her clothes: “ – Thank you so much to Mr. But most commonly interacting with and validating her fans: Lady Gaga partners FarmVille for album promo. Lady Gaga: partnering with social gaming site FarmVille to promote new album Those using the game will be able to listen to the album and unreleased tracks or versions.

Gagaville will be a neighbouring farm to Zynga-owned FarmVille and will feature "colourful crystals, magical unicorns, sheep on motorcycles, and, if we can cram it in, some leather and glitter" for users to enjoy, said a statement. Gagaville will launch on 17 May and run until 26 May. Daily competitions will give users the chance to win tickets to concerts or signed copies of the album. Lady Gaga said: "I want to celebrate and share ‘Born This Way’ with my little monsters in a special way that’s never been done before.

Born This Way will be released on 23 May, but users of Gagaville will have the chance to listen from 20 May. Owen Van Natta, Zynga’s executive-vice president of business, said: "We’re focused on creating cool new ways to entertain and surprise our players.