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Cinema technical terms

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Vocabulary to describe a photograph / Vocabulaire pour décrire une photographie. Describing a photograph – to use simple terms – is a linguistic exercise that every learner of English has been confronted with at some point in his or her studies. This exercise requires knowledge of two things: - the technique of photo description, - the specialized vocabulary that goes with it. It is this vocabulary (arranged in the English-French direction and organized in chapters) that we are making available below to Anglican Internet users. To our knowledge, it has no equivalent on the Internet. Décrire une photo – pour employer des termes simples – est un exercice linguistique auquel tout angliciste a été confronté à un moment ou un autre de ses études. Cet exercice exige de connaître deux choses : - la technique de la description de photos, - le vocabulaire spécialisé qui va avec. C'est ce vocabulaire (disposé dans le sens anglais-français et organisé en chapitres) que nous mettons ci-dessous à la disposition des internautes anglicistes. to photograph photographier, prendre en photo.

Describing a Picture. Les différents genres cinématographiques. 30683_shots.pdf. 30683_words.pdf. Media Studies - glossary of standard terminology. Film Education | Resources. Types of Video Transition. Cut The most common transition — an instant change from one shot to the next. The raw footage from your camera contains cuts between shots where you stop and start recording (unless of course you use built-in camera transitions). In film and television production, the vast majority of transitions are cuts. Mix / Dissolve / Crossfade These are all terms to describe the same transition — a gradual fade from one shot to the next. Crossfades have a more relaxed feel than a cut and are useful if you want a meandering pace, contemplative mood, etc. Crossfades can also convey a sense of passing time or changing location. Fade Fades the shot to a single colour, usually black or white.

Fades can be used between shots to create a sort of crossfade which, for example, fades briefly to white before fading to the next shot. Wipe One shot is progressively replaced by another shot in a geometric pattern. Wipes often have a coloured border to help distinguish the shots during the transition. Digital Effects. 30683_angles.pdf.