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EVE Online - BattleClinic - MMO guides - tools - advice - forums. EVE Travel. The first, and perhaps most popular, attraction in EVE is the system of New Eden.

EVE Travel

According to popular lore, thousands of years ago, our ancestors came to New Eden through a massive wormhole. Colonies were established,and a massive jump gate was built around the wormhole to stabilize it. After a number of colonies were established, however, some form of calamity struck the gate, collapsing the wormhole and cutting off New Eden from contact with our home systems.

Left to their own devices, most colonies quickly collapsed entirely. A few, however, managed to eke out an existence, becoming the five main empires of today: Gallente, Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar, and Jove. Today, all that remains of our contact with our original homeworld is the destroyed system of New Eden.

The EVE Gate pulsates slowly behind the lone stargate in the system. Regardless of whatever else is, or isn’t, in the system, the EVE gate itself is a sight to behold. Basic Information: Like this: Like Loading... Dev-Community Answers. Edited by: CCP Guard on 13/05/2011 16:08:00Edited by: CCP Guard on 09/05/2011 23:58:35Edited by: CCP Guard on 09/05/2011 14:11:00Hey, everyone Some of you remember a thread from back in 2008 where CCP Zulu answered all your questions all by himself.

Dev-Community Answers

We decided it‘s high time we did another one of those. It‘s question time! Please post your question in this thread between 05.09.11/14:00 UTC and 05.11.11/00:00 UTC. Our goal is to have them all answered by 05.13.11/16:00 UTC Given the fact that there are 150,000 more of you than last time, we decided to call in reinforcements as well so poor Zulu wouldn‘t be overwhelmed. The elite squad of know it alls answering your questions will be comprised of: CCP Zulu – Senior producerCCP Hammerhead – Lead Game DesignerCCP TomB - ProducerCCP Tuxford – Senior Programmer GM Spiral – Senior Game MasterGM Lelouch – Senior Game MasterYours truly – Community Developer ...and we might just have guest appearances from other devs as well. 1.

Addendum, May 13th: Character Creation Tips. This is where you make specific changes to the features, like a big nose and ears that stick way out.

Character Creation Tips

If you are trying to match your old picture closely, it is a good idea to have your old picture saved and open somewhere you can reference it. Even though the second round of character creation is my favorite, we will try to remake the original best I can this time around. When attempting to recreate your original picture, you really have to focus on the bone structure. Pay attention to the brow, cheek bones, bridge of the nose, width of the nose, if the tip of the nose points up or down, the lips and the jaw bone. For my character, I pulled the brow out and up a little.

I quickly went through the body and made some minor tweeks, gave her bigger theighs, a little bump in the trunk and reduced the chest size. Labs / Otherworld Media Group. Player Alliances.