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FAAST. Hand Gesture Key Emulation Toolkit - Kinect Apps. KinEmote. AS3. Brekel 3D scanner. GlovePIE ™ - Programmable Input Emulator. BLITZ Kinects to Flash with Node.js — BLITZ. Innovation in gaming and technology gets us pretty fired up at BLITZ.

BLITZ Kinects to Flash with Node.js — BLITZ

And when a new interaction peripheral (and engagement model) is released, the first thought that comes to our minds is “let’s see if we can hack it.” In this case, Director of Technology Noah Gedrich and Software Developer Yosef Flomin can take their bows for linking the Xbox Kinect™ hardware to Adobe Flash via Node.js.

Their interest was piqued after Hector Martin and PrimeSense™ released their open-source drivers, resulting in an online demo showing Kinect’s uses through a PC.