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Donna Zimmer's Ear Cuffs: Jewelry Making Supplies | Wire Jewelry | Wire-Sculpture. Skill Level: Beginner/All Technique: Precision Forming Small Round Wire Ear cuffs are a wonderful earring alternative for folks who do not have pierced ears or for those who just like 'the unique', and also great for teens! I originally made this design for a friend who could not wear pierced earrings, as a way for her to add the desired "glamour" she desired. These ear cuffs are fun to make and offer a wide variety of design possibilities such as adding a dangling headpin charm to the bottom loop, or using crystal beads for elegance.

Whatever you use to follow this pattern, remember that by making both earrings at the same time you will almost guarantee a matching pair! Materials Tools Instructions Straighten, clean, measure and then cut all necessary wires. Free Wire Jewelry Patterns Did you find this pattern through a link from a friend? 4 Reasons Why You Need To Take Cold Showers! Pale yellow seahorse. Wire wrapped seaglass necklace. Warmth Earrings Rutilated Quartz With Sunstone by aubepine. DIY Woven Chain Bracelet – HonestlyWTF. Chain link bracelets, with colorful threads woven through them, have been popping up here and there. We adore Aurèlie Bidermann‘s Do Brazil bracelets and thought it was about time we graduate to the ultimate “grown-up” friendship bracelet. With a curb chain bracelet and some embroidery thread, we’ll teach you how to make your own woven chain bracelet.

And one for your bestie too, of course. You’ll need:a curb link braceletembroidery threadtwo bobby pinsa pair of scissors Cut 2 sets of 15 strands of embroidery thread, with each strand measuring four times the length of the bracelet. Knot the all the threads at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack. Lay the second color (blue) over the first color (coral).

Repeat the steps until you reach the end of the bracelet. (top images from here and here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet – HonestlyWTF. We’re nuts for nuts. Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! With a few items that we always seem to have lying around, we tackled the technique and made our own spine-like braided hex nut wrap bracelet. You’ll need:3 strands of cotton butcher’s twine cut into one yard pieces18 small brass hex nutsa bit of dexterity! Gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack.

Keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place. Repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over. The bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times. Good luck!! (top image from here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF) Tutorials. CGMaille. M.A.I.L. - Maille Artisans International League - Jens Pind Linkage 3 and variants - Definitions, differences and distinguishing characteristics - Submitted by Titus. This article is about a magnificent spiral weave called Jens Pind Linkage (JPL) and its variants.

In the following chapters I will explain how regular JPL is constructed, and how the variants are related to the original chain. Also, I will introduce a relatively simple method to distinguish between different JPL variants. You don't necessarily have to be familiar with the weave(s), but knowing the basics helps a lot. At least a good thing to do before reading further is to take a look at some tutorials about JPL and perhaps make a small length of the chain. One tutorial for weaving JPL can be found here: Jens Pind Linkage 3 (CGI). Then, on to the topic: JPL can be approached from different angles. However, there is a different approach by thinking that instead of spiraling rings, the chain is made of stacked rings (in a sort of Persian way).

From now on, let's call the blue stack (1. 4. 7. ...) with the letter A. Now, what defines JPL as JPL, is the orientation of these stacks. 1. 2. 3. Creative Wire Jewelry. The Crafts Report. Gem_diagram_400.jpg (JPEG Image, 400x309 pixels)