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How to play jazz piano. Edit 21 authors | 82 revisions | Last updated: June 18, 2012 June 18, 2012 Jazz is an art form that has grown from its blues origins to draw influences from just about every genre of music there is. For the beginner, though, it's perhaps best to focus on early swing and learning to improvise. . . . : Cole Porter, Gershwin, etc. . . . : learn to play CM7 like (C, E, G, B), (E, G, B, C), (G, B, C, E) and (B, C, E, G). . . . . . How To Play Jazz Piano Chords Experiment! Love jazz, and learn to love the craft of songwriting. Gravitate towards the best pianists, if only to try and understand why they're considered the best. Do not forget: you learn to play the piano by the piano, not by reading a book or a wikiHow. Edit Warnings During your search through Jazz piano history, you'll eventually come across Art Tatum.

But if you are wise, after hearing Art Tatum or Oscar Peterson will motivate you to work harder. Edit Related wikiHows Featured Article Last edited: June 18, 2012 by Codes for us Categories: Standards. Working with a band. Performance clues pdf. Jazz glossary.