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Getting started - Polymer. Basics The basics of using Polymer are simple: Load platform.js to polyfill missing platform features, such as Shadow DOM and HTML Imports . Load components with <link rel="import" href="/path/to/component-file.html"> Use the custom element in your page. Here’s a bare bones example: <! Note : You must always run your app from a web server. Components Custom Elements are the core building blocks of Polymer-based applications.

Creating a basic component The platform polyfills provided by Polymer let you load and display custom elements. Creating a Polymer element Polymer provides extra goodies for creating custom elements. Load the Polymer kernel ( polymer/polymer.js or polymer/polymer.min.js ). Note : polymer.js loads platform.js under the hood. In your custom element, add a <script> element that calls the Polymer.register() initializer. In the following sample we convert our basic custom element into a Polymer element named tk-element .

Declarative data binding Binding to markup. 85 Top Responsive Web Design Tools. As the mobile market continues to grow, demand for responsive website design intensifies. This has introduced a new set of tools, 10 of which we've listed below, to help lay out, design, code and plan a responsive website. While some may overlap, each deserves a spot on the list; when combined, they can help you craft a website that provides an optimal viewing experience for users on all devices. (Along with each recommendation is a list of alternative tools that may be useful.) If you are a designer or developer, what are some of the indispensable tools in your responsive toolbox? Please share your recommendations with our readers in the comments, below. 1.

Gridset Developed first as an internal tool that has now grown into a full-fledged product, Gridset lets web designers and developers design, prototype and build custom, responsive grid-based layouts for their projects. 2. Alternatives: Skeleton, Foundation, Base, InuitCSS, LESS Framework, Gridless, 320 and Up and Gumby. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Why Discourse uses Ember.js - Evil Trout's Blog. This week, I was delighted to finally reveal Discourse, the app I’ve been working on for most of the last year in secrecy with awesome people.

The launch got a lot of attention - we were featured on Hacker News, Slashdot, Wired, Reddit, Techcrunch and countless other places. Personally I’ve been floored with the amount of feedback so far. It’s going to take quite some time to get through it all! One question people keep asking me is “Why did you choose Ember.js?”. It’s a good one, and one that I think can be considered in two ways: “Why use a a client side MVC Framework?” Why use a client side MVC Framework? Interactivity There will never be a “one size fits all” approach to web development. It would be silly to give them a heavy Javascript interface just to do this because there is so little interactivity. Ask yourself how interactive your web application needs to be. Why not just use plain old jQuery - it’s simpler!

How a client side MVC framework can help Client Side MVC Performance. Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. Launches JavaScript SDK: Parse for Websites. Parse launches JavaScript SDK: Parse for Websites There was a time when building a cutting edge web app meant wasting hours setting up a Linux server, days installing MySQL and Ruby or PHP, and months slaving away writing backend server code. Web development was nasty, brutish, and long. It sucked. But that was the past. We are proud to introduce the Parse JavaScript SDK. With Parse, you can build a sophisticated web app with just HTML and JavaScript. For more information, check out our JavaScript Guide and Quick Start Guide. With Parse’s proven track record as a leader in backend security, you can rest easy, knowing we will keep your data safe and secure.

Now visit our Quick Start Guide guide and be Parsing in minutes. Dojo, the Javascript Toolkit: brought to you by the Dojo Foundation. MooTools - a compact javascript framework. Ext Core - JavaScript Framework for Websites. Sammy.js / A Small Web Framework with Class / RESTFul Evented JavaScript.