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Maven. Mémoire partagée. Basic Input & Output - Java Programming Tutorial. Programming simple I/O operations is easy, which involves only a few classes and methods.

Basic Input & Output - Java Programming Tutorial

You could do it by looking at a few samples. Programming efficient, portable I/O is extremely difficult, especially if you have to deal with different character sets. CDI Dependency Injection - An Introductory Tutorial Part 1 - Java EE. We Recommend These Resources CDI is the Java standard for dependency injection (DI) and interception (AOP).

CDI Dependency Injection - An Introductory Tutorial Part 1 - Java EE

It is evident from the popularity of DI and AOP that Java needs to address DI and AOP so that it can build other standards and JSRs on top of it. DI and AOP are the foundation of many Java frameworks, and CDI will be the foundation of many future specifications and JSRs.


Divers. Tutoriels. FinistJUG. Thrift. Camel. Hibernate. NoSQL.